Chapter 30

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Drago was back. I am really sick of this guy. Astrid was giving birth to our child, and Drago just decides to attack. The Riders are already in the sky.

"Hey, where's your other half?" Snotlout asks.

"Giving birth. She won't be able to make it to this grand occasion," I say.

"What? Hiccup, if she's giving birth, she shouldn't be near the attack," Fishlegs says coming up behind us.

"I know. She started before the attack even started. My mother is supposed to get her to safety when she's done. Which means we better speed this up."

We go in head first. We sink ships, not caring to see for survivors. All I want to do is kill Drago. He killed my father, and attempted to kill Astrid twice. Now it was his turn. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, but it's what has to be done.

Fog has set in on the water. His chance for a surprise attack. It isn't long before I see Drago's ship emerge from the mist. Toothless and I go head and begin to attack. The gang stops attacking the other ships, and begins to focus their fire on Drago's.

Two familiar screeches pierce the air, and I see two dragons with riders on them come out of the mist. It's a Razor Whip and a Triple Strike. It's Heather and Dagur, with Mala behind Dagur.

"Dagur, Mala, Heather!" Snotlout yelled.

"We heard about Drago, we thought you could use the extra hands," Heather said.

"What do you mean the extra hands?" Snotlout asked.

Just then hundreds of dragons came through the mist. Toothless gave out a roar, a command of sorts. Soon all of the dragons began to attack the ships.

"How?" I ask.

"We have our ways," Heather said. "Now let's get going!"

Mala jumps off of Dagur's dragon, and onto Drago's ship where she begins to fight other hunters. I hear explosions, and wood breaking as dragons destroyed ships. Soon Drago shows himself on his ship. He yells out at his hunters.

They all start to attack. Yet Toothless cries out again. This time I know it's a command. Soon all of the dragons were surrounding Drago's ship, and taking out the weaponry. Drago would soon be defenseless, and it would be an easy shot.

I jump off of Toothless and stand in front of Drago.

"The element of surprise. Not bad, but not good enough," I say taking out my sword, and igniting it.

"It took you long enough to attack," Drago said.

"You're finished Drago. You can decide your fate now. But I can assure you, you're days of dragon hunting, trapping, and killing are over. You're surrounded by the thing you wanted most."

"I do have to admit Hiccup, you're a good chief, but you aren't willing to do what's necessary."

"And what's that?"

"You aren't willing to kill me. That's the only way you can finally defeat me."

"I prefer to keep the blood off of my hands. I don't want to kill unless I have to."

"But I'm not afraid of blood on my hands," Dagur said stepping forward. "And I have some good ideas for what to do with you."

"Dagur, are you sure?" I ask him. "I'm not forcing this on you."

"I know you aren't, but this is what I'm good at."


Drago begins to get away from us, but Heather and Mala stop him, by pinning him to the ground. I hear grunts as they begin to attack him. I don't know for sure what happened, but I knew it resulted in Heather having a black eye, and Drago unconscious.

"How hard did you hit him?" Snotlout asks.

"Hard enough that I won't have to punch or hit something in the next two weeks," Heather says.

They lug Drago's body to the Triple Strike. There they tie him up in a net, and attaching the net to the dragon.

"I can't thank you enough. I hope to see you all soon," I say.

"I do to," Heather said. I embrace her as an old friend. We pull apart, and she scans all of the faces. "Where's Astrid? I didn't see her at all during the fight."

I mentally curse myself. I forgot all about Astrid. Just then a familiar screech burst through the air. I look up to see my mother's dragon soar through the air. She lands next to me. "Astrid is safe, but you should go to her. I see Drago is taken care of," my mother said.

"For now anyway. Is Astrid at the cove?" I ask.

She nods her head. I quickly get on Toothless, and head for the cove. I hear the other riders following us on our way. We land outside of the cave I told my mother to put Astrid. I rub into the cave to see Astrid.

She's wrapped up in a blanket, and leaning against the wall. I make my way up to her. She hears me. She looks up, and smiles at me. I smile back. She was okay. I sit down next to her and see not only one, but two sleeping bundles in her arms.

"Astrid?" I ask.

"Hiccup, I'd like you to meet your new son and daughter," Astrid said looking down at the bundles in her arms.

"They, I'm, Astrid." I stutter through.

"Hey, it's okay. This is your son." Astrid handed me a small bundle. I carefully hold him in my arms. "He was born first."

I look down at him. I can see he has a tuft of auburn hair just like mine. He's asleep, so I can't tell whose eyes he has.

I carefully hand him back as Astrid hands me the other bundle. "This is your daughter. The attack scared her, and I thought we had lost her, but we didn't. She's strong Hiccup," Astrid said.

I look down at my daughter. She's small in my arms, and dainty. I feel her kick me a little, and I know she's about to wake up. She opens her eyes ever so slightly, and begins to cry a little. I rock her gently, something I remember for my young years when I cried. She calmed down, and opened her eyes all the way. She has my dark green eyes. I look at her, and all I can think of is how beautiful she is.

"Astrid, she's beautiful," I say.

She smiles. This was a perfect moment. We had our children in our arms, and Drago was defeated. If this wasn't perfect, I didn't know what was.

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