Chpater 21

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It's been almost an entire week since the attack, and my near death. Gothi gave me the go ahead to do some of my normal activities. Just no manhandling, heavy lifting, no over exercising, and only helping with training. No full time training. Which is a bummer, but I don't do much anyway.

But no. Hiccup has kept me in bed for the full week. I'm not even able to get out of bed unless he's here. I may be weak in strength, but I can still take care of myself.

So I sit in bed and stare at a wall until Hiccup gets back. But today I decided to something about that. I'm at least going to try and stand. If I can't I'm right next to the bed at least.

So I throw back the covers and swing my legs over the side. I grip the stand next to the bed, then the bed post. I carefully stand. It hurts a little from not being on my feet for a while. But I maintain balance. My legs shake and I can tell that they're going to let out soon. So I fall back on the bed. That's when I hear the door open. I quickly cover back up.

Hiccup comes through the door. "How are you?"

"Ugghh. Hiccup I'm board. I have nothing to do but stare at a wall all day everyday. I need to get up. It's been a week. You saw what Gothi said. I will abide by those rules if you just let me get out of this bed," I complain. He looks at me. "Please," I beg.

He rolls his eyes, "I guess I have the rest of the day off. But one mishap, you're back in bed."

"Fine. I just need to get up for a little bit."

I kick back the covers again. Hiccup comes over to the side of the bed as I sit up. I lean onto the table and take his hand. He places a hand on my back as I try and stand. This time I have more balance. My legs wobble as I take my hand away from the table. I take a wobbly step, but Hiccup balances me out. A few more steps and Hiccup removes his hand from my back. A few more steps then I'm out of our bedroom. A few more then he lets go altogether. I'm left to balance on my own. I make it to the table and sit.

A more of a rocky start then I thought. But getting there. I smile at him and he smiles back. He gets us dinner and we eat.

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