Chapter 25

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Fourteen days is not a lot of time to figure something out, but I knew it was all Drago would allow. Not to mention I was also risking Astrid, and her life with her just being there.

Astrid was going to tell me something, but didn't get to finish. Now it's in my head, and I need to know. I know I won't find out what she was telling me until I get her back. That is, if I get her back. I need to get her back. She is my everything.

Everyone is in the Great Hall. It's a fury of confusion. All I need is a plan, and a few people. When everyone are in the Great Hall all at once stresses me out. I don't know how my father did it.

"Okay! Everyone calm down!" I shout. It doesn't work. My mother whistles loudly, and everyone quiets down. "Thank you. Now please everyone calm down. I know that everyone is confused, and concerned, but please settle down. I can't help everyone if everyone is yelling at me. Now I know we were just attacked by Drago Bludvist again. Astrid was taken from us, and Drago wants Toothless. We need to find a way to get Astrid, and keep Toothless. Drago has given us fourteen days to hand over Toothless. We need a plan."

More talking. It's getting on my nerves. My mother sees this, and asks me, "What do you need?"

"I need only the main people. The Riders, you, Gobber, and the A Team. Everyone else is just making my head hurt."

"I've got it." She takes a breath before shouting, "Everyone out! If you are not apart of the Riders, A-Team, or Gobber get out! We will address all of your problems, and concerns in a little bit!"

Everyone begins to clear out. Everyone I asked for comes forward to the fire. There's only a handful of us left.

Gobber comes forward, and asked, "What happened to Astrid?"

"Drago took her. I bought us only fourteen days to turn over Toothless. Then he'll give us back Astrid, but there is no way I will give him Toothless."

"What happens after the fourteen days?" Tuff asks.

"He's going kill Astrid if we don't make the deal with him."

The room goes silent until Ruff speaks up, "Fourteen days doesn't seem like a long time to hand something over."

"I know. I'm thinking of a plan. But he agreed to fourteen. If he agreed to fourteen days, that means his scouts far away, but we aren't going where he wants us. We are splitting into two groups. One group will fly to the location where Drago wants to meet. They will find the location of Drago, and report back. Then we will fly to Drago's camp, and get Astrid."

"Okay. Good plan. One problem. Once Drago's scouts see that Toothless isn't with you what will happen then?" Ruffnut asks.

"We go at night. Toothless is black, and blends in. They won't know that he's there. Plus who said I wasn't going. We attack the base where the scouts are, and take prisoners. Once we have the location of Drago I will leave the rest will have to catch up."

"Yeah. Then we run into the risk of Astrid being killed before we can rescue her," Tuffnut says.

"I know, but this is the best I can do."

"How about the A-Team attacks from one side of the base, and the Riders attack from the other side. Keep them occupied on both sides," Snotlout says.

"That'd work. Then we'll need someone near the ground to find Astrid, and make sure she is okay, and Drago isn't ready to kill her."

"Okay. Okay. One last thing. How will we be able to find Drago?" Tuffnut asks.

"He told me that he left me a map or clue. So we need to find it quickly. Search the village. It needs to be found by sundown tomorrow."

We each split up to find what Drago was looking for. My mother stops me before I can get much further than the door of the Great Hall.

"What are you going to do about the people?" She asks.

"I don't know yet. I don't think we lost anyone in the battle. Just destroyed homes. We need to be sure that's the only thing that happened. Can you help with that. I have a feeling I know where Drago put the map," I say.

"Anything to help."

"Thank you. I have to go. I'll see you later."

I take off running to my hut. I first check upstairs. Nothing. Then our room. Nothing. Finally the kitchen. There on the table is a map with a knife through it. On the map in big black lettering, 'Bring me the alpha. Or else the girl gets it. The time is ticking'.

Too many emotions run over me, but with a swallow I push them all down. I was going to get Astrid back if it was the last thing I do.

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