Chapter 28

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It has been about three days since we've made it back from Berk, and Astrid was still unconscious. I had hardly left her side, but being Chief and all I now had to resume my duties. So instead my mother was at the hut with Astrid.

I was helping pass out goods in the Great Hall for those whose huts were destroyed in the attack. I hand a blanket to one of the villagers when my mother burst through the doors. I begin to worry. She's supposed to be with Astrid. I side step the table, and rush up to her.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be with Astrid," I say.

"I know. She wants to see you," my mother says.

"She's awake?"

My mother nods. "Come on. She's pretty impatient."

"Gobber, I have to go."

"Go on and go," Gobber says.

I smile, and my mother and I rush out of the Great Hall, and to my hut. Rushing into my hut, I go right to the bedroom where Astrid is. Sure enough I find my beautiful Astrid awake on our bed.

"Astrid," I say.

She smiles, and I make my way to her side of the bed. I take her hand and she smiles even more, and so do I. I finally had her back. I was going to make sure she wouldn't be hurt again.

"Astrid. You scared me so much. I didn't know what to think," I say.

"It's okay. I'm here now, and I want to tell you something," Astrid said turning her head to face mine.

"Is it what you were going to tell me before the attack?"

"Yeah. If I remember right, you were trying to figure out what it was."

"I was, but now I think I know."

"Oh? Then what is it?"

"Astrid, I think you're pregnant," I state matter of factly. I would be happy if she really is, we've waited a while for it, but I would only worry even more now. Drago hasn't been destroyed yet.

She gave me a small smile. "Then that would make Hiccup Haddock a father, and I think that fits him perfectly for our situation. So what I guess I have to say is, Hiccup Haddock, you are going to be a father," Astrid said.

My face lit up, and so did Astrid's. I couldn't believe it. We were going to be parents. Astrid took my hand and moved it to her stomach.

"How long have you known?" I ask.

"When your mother came to check on me the week before your birthday, she took me to Gothi because she had her suspicions. That's when I found. It was Valka's idea to tell you on your birthday. That plan didn't go very well I guess," Astrid said.

"No I guess it didn't. But why would you be showing so much? It's only been about a month."

"Well being deprived of food can do things to you."

"What?" I didn't know Drago deprived her of food.

"I had food for about one day before a storm hit. We evacuated the ship, and were on one of Drago's other ships. All of the food was gone, and they didn't have enough on the other boat for everyone. So they stopped feeding me. I haven't had anything since that day."

"I'll go get you something. Gothi said to eat light though since no one knew what happened to you on the ship."

I leave the room, and go to the kitchen for food. My mother was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Did she tell you?" She asked.

"What? Oh. Yeah she told me," I say.

"You don't seem that enthusiastic about it."

"Oh no I am. I really am. Its just a I heard what happened to her while she was a prisoner, and I can't help but wonder what effect it will have on the baby."

"Why, what happened to her?"

"She was deprived of all food. Which means she isn't healthy, and I can't help but think."

"It'll be okay. If the baby is anything like its mother and its father it'll be a fighter."

"I hope you're right."

My mother smiled. "Go back and be with Astrid. I'll bring her back some food."

I go back to the bedroom to see Astrid still awake. I pull a chair to her side of the bed, and sit down. I take her hand in mine, and she closes her hand around mine. Her hands felt calloused from years of throwing an axe, and working hard in the arena. We were soon going to be a family, and I wanted nothing more then just that.

My mother comes in with a plate of food for Astrid. I take from her, and set it on the table next to the bed.

"Do you want to try to sit up?" I ask. She nods her head. "Okay."

She tightens her grip on my hand, and pushes up with her other. Once her back gets raised up enough I place my hand there, and help her sit up. I move the pillow to support her back. I move the tray to her lap where she could eat.

Her tray was filled with apple slices, a few pieces of meat, and a glass of water. Astrid slowly eats the food. It takes her a while, but she finally finished it all. I take the tray from her lap, and set it on the table again. She sinks low into the bed, and grabs my hand again. I squeeze it tight.

She gives me a small reassuring smile to let me know that she's okay. I smile back.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you Hiccup," Astrid said.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, you're always saving me from one thing or another. I feel like I'm the source of all of your problems. I was just nearly killed twice. Anyone else would have left me, but you're still here."

"Astrid. It's because I love you. I always have, and I always will. No matter what kind of trouble we run into. Weather I have to save you again, and again. I will. As long as you're safe, and in my arms I don't care what I have to do to get you there."

"Thank you."

"I love you Astrid. Now get some rest. You really need it."

Astrid slowly closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. I get up, kiss her head, and head out. My mother is still in the kitchen.

"Watch her please. I'm going back to the Great Hall to help," I say to her.

"Okay. I'll make sure she's fine. I'll see you in a little bit," my mother says.

I smile, and leave the hut. I go back to the Great Hall. Astrid is safe, and that's all that matters.

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