Chapter 17

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We're flying over the ocean, heading towards old Dragons Edge, which has since been abandoned. My mother came along this time. Once Astrid regains consciousness Gobber is to bring her to old Dragons Edge. But who knows how long that could be.

"So Astrid has had the Scourge of Odin before?" my mother asks.

"Yes. It was way back when we still had the Edge. We had to find the Buffalourd in less then two days. Thank the twins for figuring out where the dragon was. Now as long as it's still on it's island, we should be fine," I say.

"But a, didn't last time we tried to bring the antidote back to the Edge it dried up?" Tuffnut asks.

"Yes. But last time I was using a wooden cup, this time I have metal. If it doesn't work, we'll bring Astrid to the dragon."

"But why didn't we just bring Astrid with us?" Snotlout asked.

"Because she is in no condition to fly with or without her dragon. We're lucky if she makes the trip to Dragons Edge with Gobber."

We fly the rest of the way in silence.

We reach the island just before sundown. "Okay we need to hurry if we're going to make it back to Dragons Edge in time. Split up, and use your dragons to signal if you find the Buffalourd," I say.

And with that we split up.

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