Chapter 34

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It was sundown on Berk, and nearly all of the huts were done being fixed. Hopefully now that Drago was caught there wouldn't be a problem like this again.

I take Astrid's hand as we leave the dock. We had my mother stay with Stoick and Jaclyin while we walked. It was nice just to be Hiccup and Astrid without worrying too much. We walked to the center of the village which was still alive with people.

A breeze picked up causing it to chill me. Astrid shivers as well. The last of the winter was coming through. That didn't mean that it was warming up. It actually felt like it was cooling down more each day.

"Let's start heading back to the hut. It's getting cold," Astrid said.

"That's probably a good idea," I say in agreement.

She smiled and we make our way to the hut. Smoke was pungent in the air. Someone must be burning something. But the closer Astrid and I got to the hut, the more it smelled. Villagers started running in the direction we were heading. We were coming up on the small bend around the last row of huts before our hut. Smoke started to rise from behind the hut we wee in front of. I began to worry. By the look on Astrid's face she was also worried.

More villagers started running past us, and that's when Astrid and I started running. As we rounded the corner we saw one side of our hut on fire. I rub over to help put out the fire, and Astrid begins to find Valka.

Lucky for us the fire was almost out when I got there. I threw a few large  buckets of water onto the fire and it was out. I rush over to Astrid who was drying the last of her tears.

I hug her tightly from behind. I look over her shoulder to see both babies in her arms. They were both breathing, and both asleep. I give a sigh of relief to know that they're both alright.

My mother walks up to us. She has some ash on her, but looks alright.

"What happened?" I ask taking my hands away from Astrid.

"I don't know. They had fallen asleep in the front room not long ago. I went to grab something from the kitchen, and began to smell smoke. I thought it was someone in town. But then flames started in your room. I got both of them out just before the room was engulfed in flames," my mother said.

"Thank you for getting them out. Do you know who started it?"

"I think this is your person," Gobber said pushing a person forward.

I walk up to him and see a young man shackled. He was covered head to toe in ash. I look at him. Rage burned in his eyes.

"You think you can escape him, but Drago will come again," the man says.

"Doubtful. Take him to the prison, I'll question him later," I tell Gobber.

He nods his head, and begins to move him to the prison. What he said stuck with me. Drago might be gone, but that didn't mean he didn't have sympathizers everywhere. I go back to Astrid whose eyes where on mine.

"Where will we go Hiccup?" She asks me looking at our scorched house.

"We'll find somewhere. We can't stay with my mom until the hut is fixed. She has an extra room that we can sleep in," I say.

It isn't long until my mom comes over to us. The ash is all off of her now. "You can stay at my hut for as long as you need. I overheard you talking. We'll be able to go through the hut and salvage anything we can by morning," my mom said.

Astrid gave a small nod of her head. "I'm going to send a terror mail to Heather and see if she could come back for a few days," Astrid said.

"Okay. I'll be over at the hut in a little bit," I say. I kiss her head, and she leaves with my mom.

As I watch her blonde hair disappear the crowd around me begins the clean up. Gobber comes up to me with a cradle. It didn't look burnt. He sets it down at my feet. "This is the one from the shop. I finished it this afternoon, and was going to give it to you tonight. Take it, and we'll see what's left of the other one," he says.

"Thank you," I say picking up the cradle.

"Don't mention it. We won't go through the house until morning. That way both of you can get anything that's left from your bedroom out."

"That is if there is anything left of the bedroom. I just hope the upstairs is okay. There are things up there that I could use later."

"I think your old room is fine. You should be able to get everything you need out of there."

I sigh. "I just wish there is more I can do. I feel like every time disaster strikes, I'm never there to help fix it."

"Are you kidding me. Every time disaster strikes Astrid gets injured, and you are the only person who knows how to save her. We don't curse you because you're not here to help clean up or fix things. They understand. We would choose saving a person who's about to die over people you know are safe and can take care of themselves. You're still young. You're still figuring everything out. We've all been there. But now your family needs you more than ever. Go home and rest. You deserve it. You and Astrid have had some very intense days these few days. Sleep in, and I'll help take care of things."

I sigh. "Thank you Gobber. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Don't mention it. Now rest."

I nod my head and head to my mother's hut where Astrid would be waiting for me.

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