Chapter 32

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It was after night fall when we got everyone in the village to a place where they can sleep in their huts. The gang has been dying to see our kids. So have I. I give in, and let them come to the hut to see them. When we get to the door I stop them.

"Okay. I'll let you see them, but you'll have to be quiet. Astrid, and the babies are still probably asleep," I say.

They all nod, and I open the door. Heather was sitting at the kitchen table. It looked like she was reading the updated Book of Dragons. She looked up, smiled, and put a finger to her lips. I nodded, and moved to the dying fire. The hut was starting to grow cold from the dying fire. I quickly shove another log on to heat up the hut.

Turning to face the gang and place a finger to my lips, and motion for them to follow. I open the bedroom door to see Astrid, and the babies still asleep. I move to the cradle to see my son awake now. It looks like he hasn't been crying, just awake. I bend down and pick him up.

I walk out of the room so we could talk quietly without waking my two girls. I close the door, and step away.

"Okay. He was awake, so you're going to see him first. This is my son," I say.

They all swoon over him. He has crystal blue eyes like his mother. But instead of crying he just tries to see everyone. He makes a few gurgling baby noises. He balls his hands into little fists as he tries to grab onto my shirt. He lets out a little yawn before he closes his eyes.

He lets out a little grunt as he falls asleep in my arms. I go back into the bedroom to put him back to his sister. Astrid stirs a little, and I move over to her side of the bed.

Her eyes flutter open. "Hiccup?" She asks sleepily.

"I'm here. The gang is here if you want to see them," I say.

She nods her head, and moves to stand. She wraps herself in the blanket, and I help her out of the bedroom. She sits in a chair next to the fire.

"How are you Astrid?" Heather asks.

"Considering what I've been through today. Pretty good," Astrid said.

I sit down next to Astrid, and wrap my arm around her.

"I can't imagine what that would be like. It didn't sound fun," Fishlegs says.

"It wasn't," Astrid said leaning into my arm.

"Any names yet?" Heather asks.

Astrid and I look at each other. "That actually isn't a topic that hasn't come up in conversations. We should probably decide soon."

"Yes. Berk law states that after the Chief has a child, they must be announced to the village two days after the birth of the child," Fishlegs states.

Snotlout rolls his eyes. "Thank you Fishlegs for being a nerd," Snotlout says sarcastically.

"Shut up Snotlout."

"Okay," Heather said. "We just came to check on you Astrid. We're very excited that you're parents now, but we should probably get going. Right gang?"

There was a tone in Heather's voice that said it wasn't a question. The gang all nod their heads, and begin to leave the hut. Heather was the last one to leave.

"Congratulations guys. You'll make great parents," she says.

She closes the door as she leaves. We sit by the fire and listen. From the other side of the door we hear Snoutlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut arguing.

"Okay pay up. I called they would be the first to have kids," Ruffnut said.

"You didn't call anything," Snoutlout said.

"Wanna bet? I remember saying that at their wedding."

"She did call it Snotlout. We agreed to the bet. Pay up," Fishlegs said.

I hear clothing rustling as they give Ruffnut their money. Astrid and I laugh as the voices disappear into the night.

"No but we do need names for them," I said.

"I know. I've been thinking though," Astrid said.

"You have?"

"I have. What if we named the boy Stoick? What do you think?"

I smiled. I know my father would hate that, but he would also be honored. "I know he wouldn't like that, but I know he would be honored to have him name be passed down," I said.

"I just thought it was a way to honor your father."

"Stoick James?"

"Stoick James Haddock. Now our daughter."

"I don't know. How about Jaclyin?"

"I like Jaclyin. Jaclyin Lydia Haddock."

"Beautiful. They're going to do great things for this village."

"I know."

We sit there staring into the fire until we hear a baby cry. We both get up and move to the bedroom. Astrid walks up to the cradle to see Jaclyin crying. Astrid carefully picks up Jaclyin and gently rocks her. Jaclyin calms down to the point where she isn't crying anymore. Instead her little lip quivers, and her eyes shine with tears.

Astrid begins to hum a slow tune. It takes me a while to figure out what she was singing. But I finally figure it out. It was the song my parents sang, then my mother had us sing it at our wedding. I smile as I watch my two girls.

Jaclyin was going to be strong one day. A good leader and warrior like her mother. I just knew it. I also knew that Stoick was going to protect Jaclyin no matter what.

I watch as little Jaclyin begins to fall asleep. Her little eyes close. Astrid finishes humming the song before placing her back in the cradle next to her brother.

Stoick rolls a little and latches onto Jaclyin's hand. They fall asleep holding hands. We both smile before moving to our bed. Astrid lays down on the bed and watches me. I take off my armor, and suit before laying down next to her.

"You did good Astrid," I say wrapping my arms around her.

"We both did," she says through a yawn.

"I love you Astrid."

I don't get a response. I look down and see Astrid sound asleep in my arms. I kiss her head.

"I'll see you in the morning," I said before falling asleep myself.

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