Chapter 4

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I wake up in the morning with my head still on Hiccup's chest. He's still sound asleep. I decide not to wake him. I'll just tell Gobber that he isn't feeling too well. Which is partly true.

I climb out of the bed, and grab my clothes. I walk out of the bedroom, and put the clothes on outside the door. I braid my hair to the side, grab an apple, and head out the door.

Stormfly is waiting by the door for me. I pull over a basket of chicken for her to eat. I sit on the front step and eat my apple as Stormfly eats her chicken.

I watch as the village comes to life. The sun rises over the ocean, making it sparkle like diamonds. The glint of the metal rooftops, and the dew drops on the grass all shine with the ocean.

Stormfly's squawk breaks me out of the trance. I throw my apple core away, and I pull the ballet away from Stormfly. I mount her, and we head off to the Academy.

We land outside the gates, and luckily there aren't any kids here yet. I open the gates, and Stormfly and I walk in. I begin to clean up the place a little more. Sweep, refill baskets, and feed the dragons that we use for training.

I'm enjoying the silence until Gobber walks in.

"Good morning Astrid," he says to me.

"Morning Gobber. What brings you to the Academy?" I ask him.

"Oh I was just wondering if you've seen Hiccup anywhere?"

"Yeah. He wasn't feeling too well last night. He's at home sleeping right now. He'll be around in a little bit. Why do you need him? Is it anything I can help you with?"

"No. I'll just wait till Hiccup comes around. Thank you Astrid."

Gobber turns around and leaves. I wonder why he needs Hiccup.

After a few minutes, the Academy is filled with kids.

"Settle down guys. I'm only one person. Now let's get started."

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