Chapter 10

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I'm up at midnight. Hiccup's side of the bed is cold. I reach over to see if he's there. He isn't. I sit up in bed. I see light coming from upstairs. I climb out of bed and walk upstairs.

There I see a sleeping Hiccup. His head is on his desk, and he's sound asleep. He looks peaceful almost. Like he did before all the nightmares. I look at his face and see a black eye. I was responsible for that. I guess I got so mad that I hit him that hard. I shouldn't've reacted that way.

"I'm sorry Hiccup," I say. I rub his back. I kiss his cheek.

"Astrid?" Hiccup moans. "What are you doing?"

"I came to check on you. You didn't come down," I say.

I kinda haul him up. I half lift, half walk him to his bed. I lay him down and cover him up. I walk around to the other side and lay down next to him.

"Good night," I whisper to him.

I lay my head on his chest and let the beating of his heart lull me to sleep.

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