Chapter 14

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I wake to a warm fire, and very dim sunlight. Hiccup is still next to me asleep. When I start to move he stirs. He opens his eyes, and looks at me. "Good morning milady," he says groggily.


He sits up, and stretches his arms. I follow in suit. We both kind of giggle at our synchronized movements. He leans over and plants a kiss on my lips, and I kiss back. "Gobber stopped by earlier this morning. We need to move provisions to the Great Hall for everybody. Get dressed warmly. It's pretty bad out," Hiccup says.

I stand up, and head to our room. I pull on my armor, and extra layers of fur. I walk out as Hiccup is pulling on extra fur as well. Once we're ready we step outside. The sight before me is like nothing I've ever seen. Snow was piled up in front of houses. People were already beginning to dig people out. The people who were free were carrying provisions, and other goods to the Great Hall.

Hiccup took my hand and we walked down the steps to the village. Once we were at the bottom I let go of Hiccup's hand. But that's when he slipped and fell on ice. I laughed a little.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want. It's very funny," Hiccup said as I helped him up.

We began to help people get out of their homes. It took an entire team just to get one person out of their hut. The snow had stopped, but that didn't mean the wind did. It was freezing, and the wind only made it worse. There was no sun to warm us up.

We were on the final house when I heard a familiar scream. "Oh great," was all I could say.

As much as I hated the person in this hut I dug him out anyway. Once I reached his door it swung open almost hitting me in the face.

"Oh thank Thor! Thank Thor! I'm alive. I really am alive! Now who do I have to thank for saving me?" He asked turning to face me.


"Oh it's just you Astrid. Never mind."

I wish I could stick him back in his hut. I thought. I just "saved" Snoutlout from his hut. Out of the kindness of my heart. He walked off, and I followed him to the Great Hall where everyone was gathered.

Hiccup met me at the door. "Is that everyone?" He asked closing the door.

"Yes. That's everyone," I said. I immediately shivered. Hiccup grabbed a blanket from a nearby table and wrapped it around me. "Thank you." He took my shoulders, and walked me over to one of the fires started in the Hall. We sat down next to each other. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around me.

It wasn't long before we started to have company. Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Snotlout all joined us. We sat there talking about the good times we all had growing up. With Hiccup being busy being chief being together as a group was hard. To be honest I missed it all. The sarcasm, the wise cracks, and the pranks. Life became kinda boring once we all grew up.

We were all beginning to laugh at jokes being made by Tuffnut, and Ruffnut who still live in the same house. Hopefully not for long. Fishlegs is competing with Snotlout for Ruffnut. It's an annoying competition that has been going on for too long.

Hiccup leans over and kisses me on the head. I hear Snotlout groan. "Really? Here?" I heard a smack, and then groaning in pain.

"Shut up will ya," Ruffnut said.


"No, no, no, no. Astrid and Hiccup have a special bond. Something that you Mr. Snotlout would not understand. All we have to do is embrace their relationship," Tuffnut said in his weird tone.

"What do you mean I wouldn't understand? Hookfang and I have a perfect relationship."

"If you call getting yourself set on fire all the time  perfect relationship. Then yes, you and Hookfang have a perfect relationship," I say.

"Shut up Astrid," he says a loss of words.

We all laughed, and shared more stories.

It was getting late and everyone was turning in for the night. With all of the commotion today I didn't eat a single thing. It wasn't too bad. I wasn't hungry. I'll just eat a big breakfast. The gang turned in for the night, and it was time that Hiccup, and I did too.

I unwrapped the blanket from me and wrapped it around both of us. We leaned against the wall behind us. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms protectively around me. He kissed me on the lips then again on my head. "I love you," He said.

"I love you too," I responded. I snuggled up close to him, and that's how we were when we woke the next morning.

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