Chapter 27

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Snotlout, Fishlegs, and I were on our way to the first location Drago left. The A-Team had gone ahead of us to get on the other side of the base to attack. It was pitch black out, but there was enough light from the moon to see where we were going in.

By the look of the map, it would be a days flight to the island. Which meant it was to tire out our dragons. It was a clever idea, but we knew better.

The island was coming into view, and to our luck there was a sea stack just out of sight, and range of the island. We land our dragons to rest. The sun was beginning to come up. Day two. Twelve more days until Astrid dies.

I look off into the direction Drago sailed off in. A storm was coming. Which meant it had already struck them. I can't think of that now. I have to think about what is to come.

"A-Team is already here," Fishlegs says.

"H-how do you know?" I ask.

"Oh, I think the Monstrous Nightmare setting off fires on the other side of the island is a good indication," Snotlout says pointing in the direction of the fires.

"Gustov! Okay, mount up. It looks like this won't be a surprise attack anymore."

We mount our dragons and begin the attack run. Snotlout takes out the weaponry, and Fishlegs begins on the ships. I start to blast the huts, and barracks that are placed there. The hunters looked surprised, and I heard some yelling commands at others. The A-Team comes to the front of the island with prisoners. Gustov, and Spitelout begin to round up more hunters that are trying to escape.

The fight doesn't end until the sun is almost completely up. The hunters are tied together on the scorched earth. Toothless flies up to them, and I dismount him. I circle the hunters before stopping in front of what I assume is the head hunter.

"Where is Drago's base?" I demand.

"You really love your girl don't you? Risking her life like this. Drago is going to find out, and kill her," the hunter said.

"Drago isn't going to find out, I'll make sure of that. So tell me where he his. I'm not going to ask again."

"You think we're scared of you? You're sadly mistaken."

"Oh. I know you're not afraid of me, but I have the feeling that you're afraid of my dragon. Maybe two Monstrous Nightmares?" The hunter was silent. "Toothless, why don't you come here and help him remember where Drago is."

Toothless makes his way over to us. He gets into his stance like he was getting ready to blast him. I knew he wouldn't, but it was to get the point across. Toothless opens his mouth, and I see the purple light emitting from his throat. The hunter begins to look a little scared, but isn't tempted yet. I nod at Snotlout and Gustov, and their dragons come forward. They ignite on fire, and the hunter begins to talk.

"Fine. I'm not going to give you his location, but I'll tell you the next base on your way to Drago. I swear I won't lie, just don't have your dragons kill me or my men," he says. I motion for the dragons to back off, and they do. "You want to continue heading north. About a day's flight from here is a base on a snow capped island. The base is hidden."

I face the gang. "Okay. Fishlegs find a way to get the prisoners back to Berk, and tell the others where we're going. Snotlout, A-Team come with me," I say.

They nod and their off. "Hey! I told you what you wanted. Now let us go!" The hunter yells.

"No. You gave me the next stop, not what I wanted. Plus I didn't have my dragons kill you, so I say I kept my deal, even if you didn't keep yours. This is my way of making sure Drago doesn't find out what I did."

I mount Toothless and we go on another day's journey.


It has been seven days since the attack. I have been lead from location to location searching for Drago. I have seven days to find him before he kills Astrid. That was something that I couldn't have.

Hopefully this was our last location before we found Drago. We didn't get far into the location before we saw massive ships with Drago's colors. I knew then we had found the base.

"Fall back!" I yell.

We all fly back to a sea stack that was out of range of the base. I hope that no one heard me yell, and alert Drago to our presence. This was our chance to get Astrid.

"Okay. Everyone knows what to do right?" I ask. Everyone nods. "Good now we attack, and make sure Astrid doesn't die, and no one gets caught."

We all go in different directions to begin our attack. Gustov gives the signal, and we all go in for the attack. We take out the outer ships, working our way in. We dodge arrows, and nets as we go in for our attack.

It wasn't long until we were attacking Drago's main ship. Toothless and I land on the deck, and Drago meets us there. Astrid isn't with him, which is either good or bad.

"I do have to say, I wasn't expecting this," Drago says looking around at the destruction.

"Well, you better get used to it," I say. "I assume you know why I came here."

"I do. But we made a deal. I give you the girl, in exchange for the alpha."

"No. I have my ways of getting what I want. Now Snotlout!" I yell.

Snotlout comes from behind and attacks Drago. It distracts him. I make my move. I know from experience where the cells are on these boats, so I go below deck.

I search every cell untilI find Astrid. She's laying on her side, facing away from me. Her hood is pulled up, and she looks to be clutching her stomach.

"Astrid?" I call out. I hear the faintest moans escape from her. "Hang on, I'm finding the keys."

I find an unconscious guard that has the keys on his belt. I take them and unlock the cell. I make my way to Astrid. I see her face. It's sunken, and pale. Her body was thin, yet her stomach was sticking out the slightest bit. But she couldn't be, could she? I could tell she hadn't eaten in days by the look of her. It had only been seven days, yet it looked like it had been months.

I carefully pick her up. She feels so fragile. Like she could crumble at just the touch of my hands. I carry her bridal style out of the cell, and onto deck.

"Hiccup?" Astrid moans out just barely opening her eyes.

"It's okay. I've got you," I whisper.

"I have something to tell you," she barely makes out.

"It's okay. Tell me when we're back on Berk." She moans, and closes her eyes. On deck I see Drago knocked unconscious. "Okay. We need to go before he wakes up and realizes what happened."

We all nod, and mount our dragons and leave. We don't look back. But I look at Astrid the entire ride. It made me sick to see her like this. And if she was really pregnant with our child, there is no telling what happened to the child. I can't think of that. I just need to make sure Astrid is okay.

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