Chapter 22

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~Astrid~~3 weeks later~

I'm holding Hiccup after another one of his nightmares. I'm getting very concerned for him. They're happening more often, and are getting more violent each night.

He pulls away, and I can see that he's been crying. His cheeks are all red, and there are tear stains on his face. That's when the unexpected happens. Hiccup crashes his lips into mine so hard I thought I was going to fall off the bed.

After I regain balance I kiss back. We share messy kisses. He moves from my lips to my jaw, and to my neck. I feel him bite down on my skin. I let out a tiny yelp, despite the fact that it didn't really hurt. I can feel him suck harder on the tender skin. I know it's going to leave a mark. At least it's the side I have my braid on. It should cover it.

I wrap my arms around Hiccup's neck, and Hiccup wraps his arms around my waist. We stop and we share breaths.

I can feel Hiccup toying with the bottom of my shirt. I look down. He starts to rub my stomach and it's actually quite soothing.

I whisper to Hiccup, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah. I think so," he says nervously.

"Go all the way until there's nothing left?"


And that's exactly what we did.

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