Chapter 36

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I wake to a knock coming from downstairs. I look around the dark room and panic. Then everything comes back to me. The fire, and the man. I look over my shoulder to see Astrid asleep with one hand behind her head, and laying on her side. Her hair is still in its braid. I kiss the side of her head and roll out of bed.

My foot lands on something hard. I look down and see my leg. I bend over and put my leg on. Looking back at Astrid I stand up, and leave the room. I walk down the stairs to get the door so my mother doesn't have to. But it was pointless because she was already at the door. I stand behind her as she opens it carefully. I would too after what had happened. There on the other side of the door was Heather. I give a sigh of relief.

My mother sees my relaxed poster and opens the door wider.

"It's okay mom. She's a good friend of mine," I say to my mom. Heather gives a small tired smile.

"I assume Astrid called you here. I'll let you two talk. I'll be in my room if you need me," my mother said turning away from the door.

"Heather. Thank you so much for coming on such short notice."

"No problem. I flew all night to get here," Heather says as she walks into the room. I close the door behind her.

"You didn't have to do that. But I appreciate it."

"It's fine. Drago is safely locked away in the island prison. There's no way he's getting out anytime soon."

"Thank you. But that's not why we called you here. Have you been to our hut?"

She shakes her head. "I met Gobber on my way here, and he told me where to go."

"Our hut was burned down by a Drago sympathizer. Well at least part of the hut. We caught the person that burned it, but we need help going through things, and rebuilding. I don't know every reason why you're here though. It was Astrid's idea to have you come."

"Speaking of Astrid. Where is she?"

"Upstairs. She's still asleep. I didn't want to wake her. She's been very stressed lately."

"I know."

Heather lets out a long yawn.

"Here. Make yourself comfortable. I'll get you a blanket and you can sleep down here until we're ready," I say.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm not usually this tired."

"It's not you. You'll just have to talk to Astrid later about why she really summoned you here."

"It's okay. Really it is. Whenever a friend of mine needs help I'll be there."

I smile and find a few blankets for her. When I return to Heather I find her already asleep. So wrapping a blanket around her I go back upstairs. I check the babies to make sure they're alright. They're still sound asleep. Stoick has his little fingers wrapped around Jaylin's. I smile at the two and head back to bed.

Astrid is still in the same position she was in when I left her. Taking of my leg again I lay down next to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She lets out a small moan, but doesn't wake. I kiss her hair and fall back asleep again.

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