Chapter 33

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We were standing on a makeshift stage in the Great Hall. I was holding Jaclyin, and Hiccup was holding Stoick. Everyone was gathered here waiting to lay eyes on the chief's children. Word quickly spread about the chief having twins. Some believed it to be a rumor, others knew it.

Hiccup handed me Stoick as he stepped forward. I knew he didn't want to wake the sleeping baby. He shouted to get everyone to get quiet.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I know everyone is excited to see and hear the names of the future of Berk. My wife Astrid and I are happy to welcome a son, and a daughter into this world. So please welcome our eldest. Stoick James Haddock. The future chief of Berk," Hiccup says to the crowd.

He takes Stoick from my arms, and shows him off to the crowd of people. They all swoon, and awe over our son. Hiccup places Stoick back in my arms, and takes Jaclyin.

"Then we are also pleased to welcome our youngest. Her name is Jaclyin Lydia Haddock," Hiccup says.

He two shows off Jaclyin to the crowd. They all swoon and awe over her too. Hiccup cradles Jaclyin in his arms.

"Please welcome Stoick and Jaclyin Haddock into our family, and into the family of Berk." The crowd cheers, and a few helmets go flying. Jaclyin begins to cry from the loud noises. "You are all dismissed to return to what you were doing."

Everyone begins to leave the Great Hall, and back to their jobs. Jaclyin is still crying.

"I'm going to take them back to the hut. I'll get Jaclyin calmed down," I say.

"Okay. I'll be by in a little bit. I love you," Hiccup said.

He hands me Stoick who is still asleep. Then he kisses me on the head. I make my way out of the Great Hall. I get many congratulations on my way out. I just smile and say thank you.

Once I'm in the hut Jaclyin has calmed down a little more. Stoick is now awake, but isn't crying. So I place him in the cradle with the door open. When I go to sit back down Jaclyin begins to cry again. I get the weird feeling it's because she's away from Stoick.

Testing the feeling I bring the cradle out of the bedroom, and next to the chair. Jaclyin is just whimpering now. So I place her next to a wide eyed Stoick. She immediately stops crying. Stoick tries to grab her hand with his.

I sit and rock the cradle lightly with my foot. They quickly begin to fall asleep. Hiccup then walks in. He walks over to see Jaclyin and Stoick. He wraps an arm around me, and sits next to me.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Better. Very tired. It seems like every time Jaclyin is away from Stoick she begins to cry. Like she can't bear to be without him," I say.

"She'll grow out of it. They won't be like that forever. At least I hope not. We don't need another Ruffnut, and Tuffnut situation."

I laugh. "No we don't." There was a silence between us as we watch our children sleep. "Have you told Gobber yet to make another cradle?"

"Yes. He actually told me that he was going to make another one, and to not worry about it."

"Good. They won't be this size forever."

"I wish they would be."

"I know. But there are perks of having them get older."

"I know. I'm just not ready for that yet. Let's keep them this age for as long as we can."


We smile and just sit in silence.

"Why don't we go for a walk around the village tonight?" Hiccup asks me.

"I'd be okay with that. You and me?" I ask.

"Just you and me. I'll have my mother come and watch them while we're out."

"Okay. What do we do in the meantime?"

"Well I have to go check on the families of whose huts were destroyed. You can just stay here if you want." I nod my head. Hiccup then kisses my head. "I love you."

"I love you too. Be safe."

"I will. But I don't think Drago is coming anytime soon."

I smile. "I'll see you later."


He stands, and walks out of the hut. He is the chief after all. He has duties to tend to. I smile at the memory of when we were goofing off when Hiccup was telling me his father wanted him to become chief. It's hard to believe that conversation ever happened now that he was chief.

Stoick begins to cry. So I bend over and begin to comfort him.

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