Love and Rivalry

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K and Kirito continued to stare at each other. They both analyzed for a hint of hesitation but both of them found none. K flapped and in the blink of and eye, swiped for Kirito's face but was stiffly by his crossed blades. K and Kirito both fought with everything they had but the intense clash was still fruitless. No cuts, no slices, nothing. Even at their most powerful states, they were identical in skill level. K started to spin his sword after each attack to fit in more and quicker strikes but Kirito's dual wielding skill prevented any attacks from landing. Finally, K saw an opening and gave Kirito a straight kick in the stomach, causing him to be sent back far. As Kirito caught himself, K trailed behind with his blade at the ready. Kirito flipped high over K, catching him off guard to bring the more dominant sword down onto him. K's lightening reflexes gave him the opportunity to slightly block it but he used his forearm to stop Kirito's blade, still receiving some damage. K slapped Kirito away with his giant feathered wing which threw Kirito quickly off balance in the air. K used this opportunity to get as many slashes in as possible. He swiped fast and hard, managing to get in a good number of attacks with more than exceptional damage. K reeled up for a stronger attack but Kirito denied it by blocking it with one of his blades. K's single sword use betrayed him as he blocked only one of Kirito's dual swords. My brother took advantage of the struggle and stabbed K straight thru the stomach with his other free sword. K growled in pain as he batted away Kirito's un-imbedded blade. K kicked Kirito away and managed to knock the grip from the sword that was still deep in his stomach. He flew back and gripped the sword blade within his abdomen. K ripped the impaled sword out of his body, clenching the sword by the blade hard enough to break it to fractured bits. The sword exploded from being a destroyed object and K's HP began to heavily drain. Kirito quickly went into his menu and summoned another sword for his dual wield skill. K lunged at Kirito once again, putting everything he had into it this time. K began slashing faster than Sinon and I could even process but Kirito managed to block every single attack. K threw up his knee, attempting to kick my brother but to no avail. Kirito put his hand down to deny K's kick but it left himself slightly vulnerable. K used that and landed a clean slice across Kirito's chest, knocking down a lot of the health he had left. My brother fell to one knee, now weak from all the damage.

"You were a worthy opponent... But this is your end." K brought up his crystal sword to stab down onto the nape of Kirito's neck.

Kirito mustered up his last bit of strength to stab K hard in the stomach with both of his dual blades.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Kirito barely smiled.

Just as K was stabbed, he brought down the point of his blade into Kirito's nape. Their HP drained and they both exploded into shards simultaneously, leaving nothing but their burning souls behind. K's soul was red but as seconds passed, it faded to a vibrant purple. I snapped out of my mesmerized nature and revived both K and my brother.

"Are you two okay?" They both ignored me and stared at each other.

"Well fought, my friend." Kirito put out his hand for a shake.

K hesitated, looking down at Kirito's hand.

"...Likewise..." He met Kirito's hand shake.

Just as K pulled away, he was crashed into by Sinon. He lifted his arms and looked down at her as she gripped tight around his torso.

"Promise me you'll never leave me again, okay?! I refuse to lose you now!" Sinon cried in K's bare chest.

"Never again. You have my word." K looked down at Sinon.

Sinon smiled up at him but her happy expression changed. Sinon went and held K's right cheek, seeing a cut that went came down his eye almost to his jaw. The cut wasn't what confused her and I, it was the fact that it didn't go away when he was revived.

"What did you do to him?!" Sinon got off K and turned to Kirito.

"I don't know. His damage should have been healed." Kirito looked too.

Sinon peeked back and saw three claw looking marks on K's chest.

"These scars are not from this fight. I chose to have them for my avatar." K told us.

"Why haven't I noticed them before?" Sinon asked.

"I hid them with illusion magic..." K hung his head, knowing not to lie anymore.

Sinon hugged K tightly again.

"Thank you for telling the truth." Sinon said with a smile.

K smiled back, looking down at the top of Sinon's head.

"Alright you two. We should be heading back to the house, Everyone else is waiting." Kirito told them.

"Yes. K? Time to go." Sinon pulled K gently by the hand.

"Of course, Sinon." He smiled, sounding more at peace now with the events that transpired.

Kirito nodded and ported us all outside the cottage house we had. He lead the way in and left the door opened for Sinon, K and myself.

"How'd it go?" Asuna asked with a smile as we walked in.

"K and I had our duel." Kirito stood next to K.

"What?!" Asuna sounded like she didn't want them to fight at all, even if it was in good fun.

"Without us? Rude." Lizbeth smiled.

"Are you guys okay?" Silica asked innocently.

"Well... Who won?" Asuna was curious.

"I did." K and Kirito both said in unison.

They looked at each other for a second.

"Yeah, you could say they both won." I smiled.

"What? How did they both win?" Asuna asked.

"Kazuto stabbed K just as K stabbed him back. They both died simultaneously." I explained.

"Bummer. I was hoping for a clear winner." Lizbeth sighed.

"We both fought well, but I expect a rematch." Kirito looked over and gave a determined smile at K.

"Perhaps another time. I believe I need some alone time with Sinon. We must properly get our bearings." K looked over to Sinon who had no idea what his plan was.

"Huh?" Sinon was confused.

"GGO. We aren't finished there." K told her.

"You just want to see me in that outfit again, don't you?" Sinon put her hands on her hips, not caring the whole team was in the room listening.

"Maybe. Maybe not. You'll have to find out." K shrugged with a smirk, being back to his old self again.

"Gross." Lizbeth made a face.

"Take your time you two. We'll be patiently awaiting your return." Kirito smiled as he sat down next to Asuna.

"We'll be back soon." K gave a smile.

Sinon quickly stood in front of him as he opened his menu and hovered over the log out button.

"You ready?" Sinon smiled up at him.

"Yup." K tugged Sinon's cat tail before quickly logging out.

Sinon squeaked and swung for a slap but hit nothing as K disappeared.

"You really like him, don't you?" Lizbeth asked.

Sinon blushed and went to the log out as she opened her menu.

"Yes." She said with certainty as she also disappeared.

Lizbeth looked at me.

"You think they'll last?" Lizbeth clearly didn't know how love or relationships worked.

"Of course they will." I smirked.

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