Heat Wave

375 13 5

Moving tactically thru alleys and around buildings, K led the way ahead. We traversed thru a construction site until we reached the fence on the other side. K slowly stepped out and looked both ways cautiously before instructing us to move up. Across the street we went between two large buildings. One being a hotel and another an office building. In the middle was a news stand and both buildings formed a U shape around us. Their ends never touched but tunnels and alleys made for easy access to the middle. I scanned all entry points and K watched along all rooftops to find no enemy activity.

"Clear." K said and moved up to the news stand.

I entered, collected some ammo and moved out to a big glowing green box just in front of it. K walked up first and the group joined.

"Ooo! A big green box! What does that mean?" Liz was the first to ask.

"It means it isn't loot. It's a Supply Station." K informed.

"A Supply Station?" Asuna asked.

"Yes. This is the device used to buy items with our cash. Each of our shares are individual but we may choose to pool our money to one person. Big money means big buys. Keep that in mind." K kept us in the know.

"Interesting..." I pondered.

"What could we get with our collected money?" Sugu asked.

"Each player from the squad had $3000 but the bounty contract we accepted gave us $4000 for killing them. If we all pool our money, we could get our hands on better more comfortable weaponry." K explained.

"I vote that." Asuna spoke up.

"I second that." I agreed.

"Your wish is my command." K chuckled and pressed a button on the box.

It suddenly opened by itself and unfolded to reveal lots of high tech screens.

"Woah! I thought it was just a regular old box!" Liz looked closer.

"That's what they want you to think." K clicked on something and then turned to us.

He held his hand out open and a type of smoke grenade fabricated above it. The can fell into K's hand and he pulled the pin on it. With a simple toss, he threw it in an open enough spot and let the red smoke flow in the wind. In seconds, a large crate fell from the sky and landed with a thud. K looked back at us then gestured to the crate.

"Ladies first." K insisted.

"Gee, Thanks." Liz gave some attitude as we approached the crate.

"Lightweight and agile." Sugu smiled at a more compact assault rifle.

"Now that's more like it." Asuna smirked as she pulled out an AUG submachine gun.

"Same gun, only better!" Liz chuckled at the newly improved MP7 she was holding.

I simply grinned as I pulled out my weapon.

"Nothin' like a motha' fuckin' Hecate." K chuckled and winked as he eyed me and my sniper up.

I shared a laugh with him.

"Ahem! Language!" Asuna stepped away from the crate.

"Relax, Mother. I'm only expressing my admiration for her and her wielder." K smirked and approached the crate with Kirito.

I simply snickered at his comment.

"I guess I could make this work." Kirito shrugs as he examines a Barrett REC7 assault rifle.

K approached the crate after him and immediately tossed his current guns to the ground. With the touch of his finger, K had access to a menu only he could see. He selected an option and weapons fabricated into his hands. K held a new gold version the G36C he used to wield.

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