Parasitic Bliss

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I woke up to the sound of Player1's car roaring high and low. He drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh.

"Welcome back." K chuckled, noticing me wake.

"K... I want you to know this is the longest dive I've ever been apart of." I told him, remembering that I haven't left the game at all.

"Seriously? This is like a weekend for me." K bragged.

"Sure, but not all of us have the kind of time that you do." I smiled.

"Hey, I have a life too you know." K assured me.

"Yeah, I bet." I joked.

"In any case, this dive will be over soon. Don't you worry." K gave me a loving look through his visor.

Just as he looked back to the road however, his driver side window suddenly smashed into shards.

"Shit! Spoke too soon." K said, flooring it and increasing gears.

Once we saw our pursuers in the mirrors, we knew to run the drill. I grabbed the wheel and K quickly pulled out his pistols.

"I think it's time these bastards reap what they sow." I encouraged K as he readied his engraved chrome deagles.

"Damn right. Take the wheel." He said as he climbed out his missing window.

K climbed up onto the roof and knelt, firing his guns back but not seeing what was coming up ahead. There was a Humvee roadblock set in front of us but there was no men with guns drawn. Just trucks parked in our way.

"K!!!" I yelled, not knowing exactly what to do.

K must have turned and seen as well because I heard him shift on the roof of the car.

"Brake!" K demanded.

I hesitated but reluctantly slammed on the brakes like he asked, bringing us to a screeching slide forward. K rolled onto the hood of the car but quickly caused his hand to glow and slammed it down before he could fall off. His power kept him from slipping away for a short couple seconds but as we came to a grinding halt, K flew off the hood and tumbled onto the street. Once he stopped rolling, he slowly got up to collect himself.

"Agh... I'll feel that one later." K stood and was immediately met with men trying to apprehend him.

Knowing his options were limited, K proceeded to defend himself using only his fists. He ducked underneath an attempted headlock and punched the advancing soldier in the stomach. K knelt underneath the soldier and tossed him over his shoulder, flipping him onto the ground as K stood tall. He was then confronted with a larger soldier who was clearly an STR body builder of sorts.

"Oh, I know how this fight goes. I'm supposed to lose just because you're big and you feel nothing, right? Well feel this!" K lunged to the side, kicked off of one of the Humvee's and used the momentum to drive his fist into the side of the mans jaw.

The speed and force caused the large man to turn his head from the punch but he still remained standing.

"Still not phased?" K stepped into an upward knee straight up into the mans crotch.

He felt it hard and dropped to the ground, allowing K to pull out his combat knife and slice clean across his neck. Particles leaked and levitated from his throat but the man quickly exploded into shards.

"Try not feeling that when you wake up." K's sense of humor was either making him stronger or more vulnerable in this situation.

The original soldier K had flipped was now on their knees trying to get up. K took this opportunity to grab the soldier by the throat and begin to choke him. K then electrified his hand and electrocuted the soldier with his special ability, killing him instantly with a sudden spark.

"Shocking." K said simply through his voice changer with a smirk.

K was then met with a blade in the back by another soldier. He spun quickly and elbowed the enemy in the side of the jaw then swept out his feet as he tumbled away. K began to walk towards the downed soldier, ripping the knife out of his back as he did so. But as K went to stab the soldier, he noticed the knife was drenched in a thick black liquid.

"Damn... Sinon! Drive!" He yelled with the last of the strength he could muster before collapsing to the ground.

"Like hell I'm just gonna leave you here. You've got another thing coming if you think that's gonna happen, you prick." I ranted as I shifted the car into gear and rammed the living soldier into the Humvee roadblock.

Smoke started to emit from the hood, signaling the car was now in no state to drive. I got out and slammed the door shut, pulling out my extended mag glock as I moved up. I went around the car and put a bullet in the pinned soldiers skull without looking, then walked over to K who was laying unconscious on the ground.

"Come on, big guy. I'm not letting them take you that easy." I said as I struggled to lift his avatar onto my back.

I pulled his arms and head over my shoulders, letting his feet drag on the ground just behind me. I began the long journey back to the safe house, slugging K with me the whole way there.

"My god you're heavy. You're lucky I love you." I said out loud to myself as I dragged him down the long empty street. 

Traversing the whole way home with K on my back was... sort of like a dream. I never thought I'd be in a situation like this. I thought of all of the things that lead me up to this moment as I walked. The memories with K, the laughter, the sadness, the love, the hate. It's been an emotional roller coaster with him since day one... And I've loved every second of it.

"I hate you..." I heard K mumble in his mostly paralyzed state.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I smiled.

"You were supposed to leave me there." K admitted.

"I wasn't about to just let you be captured." I told him.

"You seemed pretty content on watching me fight..." He remembered just a little bit prior.

"...And I absolutely love that." He finished.

I smiled and looked ahead, still hoisting him on my back. I wondered what Kirito and the others would say if they knew what we were doing now.

Technopath, Purple, Sharpshooter: Player1 

I opened my eyes to my all too familiar bedroom ceiling. I rolled over and looked at the window that overlooked a city below but I was quickly blinded by the brightness. I swiped my two fingers in the air and the cityscape changed to a wonderful sunset. The window was obviously a screen, we were in a garage underground.

"Morning sleepyhead." I heard Sinon's calm voice behind me.

I slowly rolled over and saw her standing at the edge of my bed.

"You're quite strong for a cute little girl." I made a witty remark.

"I'm hardly little." Sinon chuckled as she put her knees on the bed.

She crawled on top of me and sat on my lap as I laid.

"I think I need real sleep." I admitted as I smiled underneath my mask.

"Oh? At the best part of the dive?" Sinon asked as she ran her hands gently up my chest.

A peaceful chill ran up my body as I blissfully grounded myself in the moment.

"You know, I still haven't seen that pretty face of yours." Sinon stroked her finger along my respirator.

I remembered that I had never shown her my face in this game. Throughout the whole time I've known her, she had never seen this avatar completely. Without speaking, I lifted my head and started to undo the buckles on my neck for the respirator. Once they were undone, I held my mask in place and lifted the visor strap off my head. Once both pieces were finally freed, I pulled them away, revealing my true face as I looked up. My hair was long and black, covering my right eye which was still scarred even here. Sinon's face lit up and she stroked my cut cheek but said nothing of it. She was just happy to actually see me. Sinon quickly leaned down and kissed me passionately with her hands still on my cheeks. She opened and closed her mouth to refresh every few seconds but was clearly not well educated in this field. I thought I'd show her how it's done. What a session to behold indeed.

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