Quad Positioning

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As you know, a quads game is very different from a duos or solos game. Every fight is a team fight and you can easily be picked off if you aren't aware of your own positioning. Whether it's during a battle, remaining undetected, or traveling on foot, positioning is everything. If you get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, it could cost you your life. At the very least, your HP and armour. That is why I cannot stress this rule enough: Get the drop.

The choppers blades spun as Kirito, Sinon and Asuna realized where we were. Just like before, we weren't buckled into our seats. Players around us conversed but in this game, you can only hear your own squad. Everyone else's communications were muted unless you downed or killed them.

"Alright ladies, MTC is live. Let's get to work." I addressed all of my teammates.

Kirito looked like a girl with his GGO avatar so I thought I'd poke some fun. He hadn't switched it from that but then again, I was still Player1. Perhaps we all needed a change in style. That would have to wait for now however.

"MTC?" Sinon quickly asked to clarify.

"Mission time clock." I confirmed.

The back of the chopper opened and the realization hit Asuna.

"Wait... we have to jump?!" She had already forgotten.

"Why do you think they dropped you in here, sweetheart?" I joked and tilted my head.

Asuna gulped and Kirito didn't seem too pleased about it either.

"Let's pick a place." I flicked my wrist screen open and moved the cursor around.

Going anywhere would be a risk. There would most likely be another quad anywhere that we landed. With the current path the chopper was on, I decided to mark the turbine hangars to the Far East side of the map. It was in the mostly desert area which was split from the other main locations by a river. This was the safest location I could think of.

"On your feet, it's time to drop." I instructed.

Sinon stood up next to me confidently. Kirito and Asuna both looked at each other before standing together in a single file line.

"Follow my lead." I, being beside their line, dove out of the chopper first.

I deployed my wing suit and began the long journey towards our destination. Sinon jumped and pursued just behind me as we slowly swerved away from the mobile chopper fleet. The others followed suit and we glided in towards the hangars, making sure to slow our approach as we neared closer.

"How's the flight, girls?" I asked but also wanted the squad to sound off over comms.

"Little resistance. I'm smooth sailing." Sinon informed quickly.

"It's a little dicy up here!" Asuna seemed as though she was afraid of heights.

Silence followed.

"Kirito?" I asked.

"I'm falling behind!" Kirito admitted with concern.

"Don't worry, you'll make it just fine." I told him.

"How are you and Sinon going so much faster than we are?" He asked, noticing that Sinon and I were leading the flight path with ease.

"We've played this game before. If you survive this, I'll tell you how to pick up speed." I assured him.

As we neared the location, I noticed that none of the doors had been opened on either of the hangars. It seemed we were the first ones here. Before we landed, I announced on our squads comms in order to help the others out.

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