Amazonian Alliance

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Sinon came down from her building and went out to greet the players as they entered the residential district. She had all weapons holstered so I did the same and followed her lead. Six players, all female. Most were tall, giant even. Others not so much.

"Sinon! Damn am I glad to see you!" The tallest and frontmost smiled.

"It's good to see you too, Eva." Sinon smiled back.

The big one known as Eva growled and gave me a look. Her angry eyes told of suspicion as her brown braids hung over shoulders.

"Who's this guy?" She asked bluntly.

"Oh! This is K. He's my frontlines man." Sinon told Eva.

"Frontlines, Huh? I bet you and Tanya would get along just fine." Eva smirked at the thought.

I tilted my head, unaware of who she spoke of.

"Forgive us, we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Eva, the team leader. This is Sophie, my second in command." Eva gestures directly next to her where the one known as Sophie was standing.

She had short light brown hair and was built like a tank. She seemed to specialize in heavy arms.

"That's Anna and Toma, our snipers." Eva gestures to the two slimmer more fit looking women.

One had a hat that covered her long blonde hair. She smiled with a thumbs up but I couldn't tell where she was looking because she wore sunglasses The other, who was more shy, had long black hair that parted in the middle. She hesitantly peeked at me and waved with a hint of blush on her face.

"Roza is our heavy support with Sophie and Tanya is our vanguard." Eva pats another girl who seemed to have very short white hair.

If I'm honest, I thought she was a guy at first.

"Yeah... so you like frontlines too, huh? That's cool." She nervously pokes her fingers together.

"Together, we are team SHINC." Eva stood tall.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I saluted.

"Likewise. Hey, Sinon. Do you remember when you helped us obtain the anti-tank rifle?" Eva turned to her and asked.

"Of course I do." Sinon smiled.

"Well, we've brought it with us today. We used it in Squad Jam 2 to blow the hell out of a cooped up sniper." Eva explained.

"Sounds like we all brought the big guns." Sinon smirked and drew her sniper.

"Wait... That's...!" Eva froze as did her team.

"The Hecate 2." I said and nodded in approval.

"No way!" Anna gushed.

"I wish I could get my hands on that thing!" Toma clenched her fists.

"So, Sinon. With our firepowers combined, I ask you... will you form an alliance with us?" Eva spoke in a cool way without even meaning to.

"Actually, K is our squad leader." Sinon looked to me and put me on the spot.

SHINC looks to me with wondering eyes. I thought for a moment then smiled.

"Let's deal some damage." I nodded.

"Put 'er there!" Eva whipped out her hand for a shake.

I slapped my hand to hers and we both shook with a solid grip.

"You have hereby forged an alliance with the Amazons. If there's a chance we both survive until the end, don't think I won't put a bullet in your head." She reminded me.

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