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A lot of running was involved in order to reach our destination. We could have looked for a car but there weren't any in our path. Sometime during the journey redeploys became unavailable, meaning no more respawns for the rest of the game. It was a long way but eventually, we came across a road that lead across a bridge over the river. I slowed up and crouched to get a better view of the other side.

"Looks like we're in the clear. Let's move up." I signalled and began to run across the bridge hastily.

The others followed closely behind me. We quickly reached the other side and stayed grouped before entering the Factory to our left. In front of us running along the street was the railroad running into the Factory alongside the vehicle entryway. We stacked up on a wall and I peeked around the corner. There was a military vehicle and an enemy squad standing around it. I ducked back and readied for a fight.

"Stay here." I warned them.

"Where are you going?" Sugu asked.

"I'll be back." I assured her.

"Hey! You don't get to be the badass! I do!" Recon tried to refute but I already left.

I stepped out and began to walk towards the large squad. Before any of them noticed me however, I chose my target and aimed for his head. I fired and his head exploded into shards, alerting the others of my presence. I held my Deagle in my right hand and aimed it at the next closest enemy's head. I quickly fired and his head exploded too but I was suddenly tackled by the third soldier. I hit the ground but dropped my gun involuntarily as I landed on my back.

"Shit!" I shouted in frustration.

I swiftly rolled and straddled the enemy player before he could hold me down to immobilize me. I began to try and repeatedly punch him but he blocked some of my attacks. I hit him in the ribs to confuse him then got a hard strike on his nose as he tried to readjust. Before I could capitalize however, he kicked me off and a bullet barely missed me. I looked to my right to see the final enemy of the squad. I pulled out my combat knife and attempted to throw it at him for instant lethal damage but he sprinted away to safety. I turned back to his friend and went at him with a powerful straight kick. He staggered but kept himself upright. I stepped forward into a straight punch to his face then to his stomach with my other fist. He was badly hurt but he still had some fight left in him. He swung a sloppy hook at me and I ducked underneath it. I moved around and behind him to perform a swift execution. I grabbed his chin and the back of his head simultaneously. He struggled hard so I stole his pistol from his waist holster before he could grab it himself. I furiously snapped hard and kill him but not without breaking a sweat. I turned back and scan for the last remaining soldier but in that moment, I heard a loud cocking sound of a heavy weapon nearby.

"You son of a bi-" I popped him before he could fire the vehicle turret on me.

"Thought so." I dropped a spent magazine and slip in a new one.

I holstered my stolen pistol and looked back to Sugu who was moving in behind me.

"That was unbelievable, K! Scary and brutal, but unbelievable!" Sugu cheered.

"Now you know what Liz meant by 'deathly scary and extremely beautiful'" I reminded her.

"I guess so. Although I haven't seen anything extremely beautiful just yet." Sugu pondered.

"Really? Because I think the real you is more beautiful than your Leafa avatar." I pointed out her short hair.

"You really think so?" She tucked one side behind her ear.

I opened my mouth to speak but Recon was pretending to hurl in the background.

"You got a problem kid?" I asked, ticked off at him.

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