Top Gun

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Technopath, Purple, Sharpshooter: K - Player1

We both raised our guns and unloaded while sprinting around to avoid each other's bullet lines. We both missed and got close enough to each other for her to kick a Deagle from one of my hands. I used that free hand to grab her leg and force her to the ground. I aimed my one Deagle and fired but she rolled away. She sprung up and disarmed me of my main Deagle, aiming it at me as she stood back. She pulled the trigger quick but I moved my head to avoid the bullet line. I looked to the gun and noticed the slide of the Deagle locked back to signal the magazine was finally empty. In the proceeding seconds, I lunged at her and watched as she went to pistol whip me with my own Deagle. As I neared closer, I met her wrist with a hard grip and forcibly disarmed her. Upon doing this however, she kicked me in the stomach and I stumbled back. I looked at Pito just in time to duck under an incoming punch. I hopped back and realized that this was more than just a gunfight now, it was hand-to-hand combat. Pito and I had another stand off with our knuckles up.

"You're good. Really good. We're a perfect match, you and I." Pito chuckled.

"I wouldn't be so sure." I spoke back seriously.

"Still think you're going to win? Forget it. There's only one winner of SJ and it's me." Pito pointed to herself.

"That was before I came around." I fueled her anger intentionally.

She growled and came at me with a roundhouse kick. I ducked underneath it and swept her other leg fast. She fell backward but quickly hand sprung back to her feet. She rolled her shoulder and gave me a look. She was catching on to the fact that I relied mostly on counterattacks.

"Okay." Pito said as if she were going to try and improvise.

She stepped up and sent a punch at me. I moved my body and slapped it away to send my own punch that she also blocked. Back and forth we went, exchanging elbows, knees and knuckles. Except, nothing was landing. We were too evenly matched for any of us to have the upper hand. She drew a knife and spun it in her hand. My eye caught the shine and I dipped back just in time to avoid the first of many slashes. I stepped back and evaded multiple deadly knife attacks until I saw a window of opportunity. She slashed the blade upwards above me then attempted to bring it down for a final stab. I grabbed her wrists and held them up, stopping her from stabbing me. However, she threw the blade from her hands and it stabbed into my shoulder. I winced but kept my strong grip on her. I had to fight through the pain to get what I wanted, and I wanted to win.

"We're a lot alike you and I. We're both merciless killers in an endless death game. We enjoy the thrill of the kill." Pito smiled as I held her struggling arms up.

"I played a death game long ago. I am not that person anymore." I admitted.

She gave me a look and then her face lit up in surprise.

"No!! You can't be serious!! You played Sword Art Online?!" Pito's interest was heavily peeked.

I gave her a look and said nothing. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction.

"I'm so... jealous!!" She shouted and sent her knee into my stomach.

I let go of her and stumbled, falling quickly to one knee. I ripped the knife out of my shoulder and tossed it away as I stood up. I lost some HP but that wasn't going to stop be from taking this chick down.

"Just because you played SAO doesn't mean you'll win this fight." Pito shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

What the hell was that? She just kicked me away with the force of a thousand suns and now she's just standing there. Was she trying to calm herself down? Was all that rage from the mere mention of SAO? Perhaps I could use this to my advantage.

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