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Cyan, Skilled, Sniper: Sinon

A loud roar overpowered all sound as a red light began to flash steadily. The light changed to green and K stood up as the back of the plane opened.

"Where are we going??!" I yelled to K over the winds and plane engine.

"Downtown!!" K shouted.

"What'd he say?!" Liz screamed.

"Go! Go! Go!" K ordered and dove out first.

I followed suit with the others and we fell in formation. The wind hit our bodies and we began our descent. K signalled a thumbs up at me then dove head first to the ground below. He didn't pull his chute until he was extremely low but the others were too afraid to perform a maneuver like that. They pulled their chutes early, but not me. I dove past them and followed K until the moment was right. I pulled my chute and landed just next to him in the courtyard between a group of buildings. K smiled back at me as the others glided in. The group landed before K and I smiled as I turned to look at him.

"Well don't just stand there, loot!" K yelled with a hint of anger.

Kirito chuckled and went in search for buildings with Asuna by his side.

"Come on, Sugu! I'll find us some loot!" Liz beckoned.

"Oh, okay." Sugu hesitated, almost like she wanted to come with us.

"Where are we going, K?" I turned to ask him.

K just looked me up and down with a smirk.

"Follow me." He chuckled.

I was confused and caught off guard by his actions at first but when I looked down at what I was wearing, I gasped loudly.

"You knew and didn't say anything?!!" I chased after him.

"No one else said anything either." K chuckled again.

"Did we drop like this??" I demanded to know.

"Yep." K smiled.

"Oh, you are so dead." I told him as we entered a building.

Suddenly, the room was overpowered by a bassy hum as we approached a glowing crate. K opened it and the glow dissipated as well as the hum. He fished out a handful of items.

"Arm up." K said and tossed me a Scar.

I caught it and racked it.

"I'm more into lightweight guns and high powered sniper rifles." I smirked at him.

"Make do." K ordered as he carried a heavy MG5 LMG.

K lugged by and I realized I didn't have it so bad. I followed quickly when someone spoke on comms.

"K? You should come check this out." Sugu seemed curious.

"On it." K replied and led the way.

The gang reunited between a few buildings nearby and Liz was crouching next to Sugu. K approached and Sugu got his attention.

"Oh good, we found this and we weren't sure what it was." Sugu was honest as she led him over to it.

Liz looked at K and took a step back to reveal a small screen with a green icon on it. It was not something we had previously seen before in Vestige.

"What is that, K?" I asked him.

"This is a contract." K began and picked it up.

"What's a contract?" Asuna asked.

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