Phantom Bullet

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"You requested me?"

"Yes. I have a very special task that only you can fulfil."

"Whatever it is, I'm ready."

"Good. Your target is a player under the alias: 'Phantom Bullet.' Don't just kill him. Cause him to fail."

"Yes, mistress."

Technopath, Purple, Sharpshooter: K

I flew and hovered steadily with my metal wings propelling me forward thru the air. I eventually found the street of my holo wall and began a calm descent to the ground. I landed hard on my feet and dropped to one knee under the weight of what I held above my head.

"Thanks for the ride, K. I owe you." Sinon thanked as I set the car down on the street.

"Damn right. I'll get that from you later." I chuckled as Sinon drove her car ahead thru the holo wall.

I simply followed and walked myself inside. Sinon parked her GunBunny next to my car and stepped out with Digital and Liz. I almost didn't notice Digital take Toxic out of the backseat of Sinon's car. Hayden pulled Toxic's arm over his shoulders and walked him in slowly. When I took a closer look, I saw the sparking hinge where Toxic's metal arm used to be. My jaw dropped open.

"What the hell happened to him??" I demanded to know.

"He bought you the time you needed." Digital nodded and continued to walk him inside.

Sinon looked back at me before continuing to follow Digital and Liz. Seeing Toxic without his arm sent a shockwave thru my body. I was worried for my brother and hoped he didn't have to endure much pain. I shook off the negative thoughts and went inside with my suit.

"There he is! The man of the hour! The entirety of Gun Gale is talking about you." Nell greeted me with a smile as he directed Digital to take Toxic to another room.

"They are?" I wasn't aware.

"Hell yeah! Check it out!" Nell switches on the projector on the ceiling and it displayed a birds eye view of me fighting Z01D.

"Woah! They got drone footage??" I was fascinated.

"It would seem that the ravaging robotic beast of Gun Gale was put to an end by a mysterious metal defender. Whoever our agile hero is, he deserves some recognition for ending this 'cyberization' If you will. Or have players already come to accept this new change as a whole? Whatever the case may be, the city of Gun Gale Online is a safe haven once again thanks to our full metal saviour. Stay tuned for more GGO news! We've always got more to cover!" The broadcast ended and the projector was turned off again.

"The Metal Defender, huh?" Nell looked at me and crossed his arms.

"I didn't know what else to call myself." I admitted with a shrug and a smirk.

"We should probably get you out of that suit, shouldn't we?" Sinon eyed me up and down.

"That we should. I'm gonna miss it tho." I looked at my metal palm and clenched it.

"You won't have to miss it. We'll put it away for safe keeping and repair the damage that was sustained." Nell assured me.

"Good. We may never know when we'll need it again." I nodded in approval.

"Now then. Let's get that helmet off you." Sinon smiled and reached up, grabbing the suits helmet with both hands to slip it off my head.

Sinon held the helmet in her hands and smirked up at me as she kissed the helmets cracked visor. I raised my eyebrows with a smirk of my own as she popped her hips to place the helmet on a table ahead. Sinon set it down and leaned both of her elbows on the table as she stood. She bent over and peeked back at me with a wink. She was tempting me on purpose, knowing full well my body was still stuck inside the power armour.

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