To Prove Worthy

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"So how did you get your wings??" Liz asked abruptly.

"My wings?" I asked.

"Yeah! How did you get your black feathered wings!" Leafa also wanted to know.

"Huh? But the story is over. Surely you don't want to hear me ramble on about-"

"Tell us how you got your wings!!" They all yelled together with grins on their faces.

It seemed the mood was lightened. I couldn't help but crack a smile too.

"Alright. As per your command, I shall tell the story of how I earned my feathered wings. But, on one condition." I tell them as they scooch in close.

"Anything." Asuna was the first to say.

"Fenrir gets to come inside." I chuckled.

"What?!" The group called in unison.

"But he's way too big!" Kirito refuted.

"Nonsense, he's no bigger than a bear." I assure them.

"Fine." Liz sighs and goes to open the front door.

In a spring of excitement, Fenrir sees me and forces himself thru the small player sized door. Fenrir happily panted and laid himself down next to me. I ruffled the fur on the top of his head as he sat obediently.

"It all started at the foot of the great World Tree..." I began.

There I was, beneath the spiralling branches of the World Tree. Before me was the entrance that I promptly approached. With my crystal blade in hand and my black hood over my head, I sought to prove my worthiness. All on my own, I was determined to reach the very top of the World Tree and earn my feathered wings. I pictured it vividly as my white feathers descended to Alfheim below. I was an angel in the heavenly skies, clouded by tufts of pure white cotton candy. They looked soft enough to lay on. When I neared the chiseled doors, the two sworded statues blocked the entrance.

"Thou knowest not the heights of heaven above. Does thou seek entry to the castle of the king?" They asked.

A message came up and I accepted the quest. "Guardians of the World Tree" It read.

"Go then. Prove thou art worthy of thy wings. Prove thou art worthy of flight." They added as the doors swung open.

With a sureness in my heart, I pressed onward to the core of the World Tree. All was quite and the dungeon was mostly dark. That is, right up until I entered the World Trees Heart. Lights activated on the rooted walls and within them were gems that emitted light. From the walls emerged many glowing eyed sentinels with the soul purpose of stopping players from reaching the top. I manifested my transparent black wings and launched into the air intensely.

"I will not be brought down!" I shouted.

"I get it! This wasn't about the wings for you, or the XP. This was about your redemption!" Liz cheered.

"Precisely. I had been called many things before. A monster, a killer, a reaper of souls, it was all the same. I sought out a new title, one that would allow me to ascend to the heavens." I remembered the quest fondly.

On and on I fought, cutting thru thousands of the pure white sentinels. I knew very well I was outnumbered, and even more still with their constant respawns, but something brought joy to me in that moment. I was both determined and happy at the same time. For once since SAO, I was fighting for the right purpose. For the betterment of myself. It felt good. The warrior spirit within me was rekindled and I was back in action. I loved every second of it. There were weapons, bows and arrows echoing all around as the sentinels continued to pour in.

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