Punishment is Death

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I began to lead my team East to the mostly grassy hills in the centre of the map. I started to hear gunfire to the right and decided to move up the hill to the left. As the top of the mound surfaced, I saw a supply drop emitting red smoke next to a tree ahead of us.

"Supply drop ahead. Stay sharp." I announced.

When it comes to ordinance of any kind, you should most definitely clear the surrounding area before the actual package. If you don't, you could lose it before you even get the chance to use it.

I scanned around and cleared the sector before moving up to secure the package. My team did the same and covered me as I promptly crouched behind it to check what was inside.

"Plenty of goodies for all of us." I said, grabbing myself the single set of level 3 armour inside.

I took off my set of level 1 armour and dropped it to ground hastily. I slipped on the thick and heavy level 3, then pulled down the clear face shield from the helmet it comes equipped with.

"Woah. You look like a juggernaut, K." Sinon looked me up and down.

"Damn right. Level 3 armour is the only kind of armour that protects your head." I said and knocked on my helmet twice.

"Well, you look like a badass!" Sinon assured me.

"You will too once you take your bow." I told her and held the compact bow out to her.

"No way! It's in there?" Sinon rushed over and gently took it from my hand.

"Kirito, your Shadow Blade." I exclaimed to him.

"Now things are gonna get interesting." Kirito smiled and approached for his weapon.

I grabbed the sheathed katana and held it out for Kirito to take. He gripped it with two hands and promptly put it on his back.

"Asuna, your Viper." I tossed it to her since she was a bit further away from us.

She caught it and hooked the sheath onto her waist belt.

"Anything in there for you, K?" Sinon asked with her gun drawn scanning our surroundings.

"Oh yeah. There's something alright." I pulled out a heavy weapon and put it on my back for safe keeping.

"What is it?" Sinon inquired.

I simply gave her a smirk then stood up with my primary in hand.

"Circle collapse imminent. Get to safety." The announcer voice echoed.

"Let's move out." I ordered.

I was now commanding a hyper lethal death squad equipped with powerful weaponry capable of annihilating any competition.

"Where are we relocating?" Sinon asked.

I opened my wrist map and saw that the safe zone was to the North around some normally crowded locations.

"Occupied or not, we're gonna have to go straight North to the Mansions. We don't have a choice." I informed my team.

"We best get a move on then." Sinon encouraged.

Only issue with this course of action is, the Estates buildings were at the very top of the map. There would most likely be tons of enemy player activity up there. Despite how I felt about the situation, we pressed on toward the North. We passed over the fields until I could see the top floor of the modern mansion over the next hill.

"Hold up." I froze and signalled with a closed fist not to move.

Silence followed but my ears have been trained for this game. Even without an Awareness perk, I easily heard the footsteps of enemy players advancing on the other side of the hill.

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