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As this nightmare continues to spread and unfold, the numbers become increasingly more difficult by the minute. In order to win in this epidemic, you must ensure your survival until the very end. With or without bullets. Try not to get caught between a rock and a hard place. Some teams will be focusing on killing survivors as apposed to the ever growing zombie horde.

K lifted up a door to a garage building and found a covered vehicle inside. We all stood and watched as K went to yank the tarp off. Dust flew into the air but as it settled, K's original matte black and white striped Mustang began to shine from the outside light. K smirked with glee.

"Seems like you've got the perfect car. " I said to him.

"Hardly." He replied and got some tools.

In a timely fashion, K grabbed a reinforced steel bumper and welded it onto the front of the Mustang. Then, he added metal plates to make it more like a snow plow. After that, he mounted chains and spikes on it to make the metal plating more deadly.

"We're set. Hop in." K opened the driver side door and sat inside.

I opened the passenger side and leaned the seat forward so the others could get in the back. Once they did, I pushed my seat back and sat down to shut the door behind me. K started the car and the engine roared to life.

"This is your car, K?" Sugu asked from the back.

K chuckled and shifted into drive.

"Yep." He put his foot on the gas and drove us thru the town.

All was well for awhile, but we neared the bridge over the river and noticed numerous zombies on the other side. They were scattered throughout the farmland ahead.

"K?" I asked.

He shifted up and kicked the pedal to the floor, gaining the attention of the zombies. One after another, K ran over and smashed into countless undead to get them out of the way. We forced ourselves through the crowd with our reinforced bumper until we hit one final zombie. Instead of going under or over the car like the others however, it climbed onto the hood and screeched at the wind shield.

"K?!" I yelled, wondering what his plan was.

His window rolled down and he drew his Deagle quickly. He stuck his head out, aimed and popped the zombie off the hood of his car. The lifeless body slid until it rolled off the front and we bounced overtop of it. Silence filled the car as K drove us past the Satellite Array. Upon following the road however, zombies started to spring up all over the place.

"Seems like they've already overrun the Array." K pointed out and kept driving.

"Isn't that where we were supposed to go?" Sugu asked as passed it by.

"Supposed to." K said simply and kept his head on a swivel as he drove.

His tone seemed to be dark and uneasy. I wondered if this mode got to him like it got to us.

"Where to now?" Kirito asked.

K followed the road in a daze.

"The Cargo Docks." K suggested.

"What?! But that's the opposite of high ground! We'd literally be at sea level!" Kirito refuted.

"On the contrary, there are cranes used to move containers onto the boat that we could climb for a high ground. That, is where we will make our final stand." K drove up and pointed ahead at two tall cranes stationed at the Cargo Docks.

"That will work!" Sugu was positive, as her and Kirito got a view from the backseat.

K found a garage building and drove inside to park his car. Once parked, K shut the garage door and we moved as a unit towards the cranes.

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