Certain Sovereign

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Technopath, Purple, Sharpshooter: K - Player1

A Few Days Later...

I spun and fired both of my Deagles effortlessly into the faces of my enemies, snapping to attention before I could be caught off guard. I ducked underneath an incoming hook and met the aggressor with a barrel to his chin. I fired and stepped back, forcefully sending an elbow into the nose of my next victim. I kicked out his knee with my heel and he buckled to the ground before me. I promptly turned to obliterate the rest of the incoming players and dropped my Deagle's empty magazines. I loaded them up, holstered them and turned to face the grounded player. With an aggressive step and the draw of my blade, I sliced my combat knife clean across the enemies throat. He gargled and choked as his body exploded into shards. I sheathed my knife and sighed, not really feeling anything at all. It was just too easy.

"Pathetic." I scoffed and looked around at the empty area as I holstered my pistols to walk away.

Just when I did however, a bright flashy billboard caught my attention. Loud music started to play from it as I approached closer to inspect. I sensed the entirety of Gun Gale freeze as the bumping music grabbed all the attention.

"Back to business, Gamers! We introduce a brand new competitive level of cyber weaponry in an all new fight to the to be the last team standing! Welcome everyone... to Squad Jam 5!" The girl yelled and a circular logo flipped like a coin.

"Squad Jam 5, Huh? Guess I missed the fourth one." I spoke under my breath.

"Each team of up to six players will navigate a futuristic world built for new optic mobility granted by your jump jets! If you can make it to the end, it'll be an all out blood bath until one stands victorious. But watch out. There will be a little surprise dropped in the very centre of the final kill zone. Grab that, and you're almost guaranteed victory! That is, if you can get the job done! You'll see what I mean if you get there! Chao and good luck players!" The girl smiled and the logo spun again.

I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to play with my friends again. Not just a challenge for me, but a challenge for them too. I tapped on my earpiece and called Toxic as I stared at the bright screen.

"Sup bro." Toxic greeted.

"A new challenge my friend. Squad Jam 5 was just released. They added increased mobility and a new item in the end kill zone. I want the whole gang involved." I ordered.

"Actually K, no one's here." Toxic informed.

"What?? What do you mean? Where's Sinon?" I was confused.

"Sinon hasn't been on for the past three days." Toxic told me.

"What?!" I was shocked.

"Yeah, hardly anyone has been on lately. I think you really shook the hive, K. Nell definitely didn't approve of what happened and Liz switched games awhile ago." Toxic explained.

"What about Hayden?" I asked.

"I'm sure he's around. You'll have to find him on your own time tho. For now, I think I'm gonna head off too." Toxic sighed.

"Seriously? What if I need you down there?" I asked of him.

"Hayden will have your back, he always does. I think you should pick him instead of me for this one. He's a better pick for the mission anyway. He did survive SAO with you after all." Toxic gave credit where it was due.

"That's not to say you're not as skilled." I assured him.

"That isn't the issue. I just don't think I want to play another one of those games, K. It's not the same as it used to be..." Toxic shook his head.

"But, don't you want to see the special item at the end?" I asked.

"Not this time, K." Toxic hung up the phone.

I wouldn't go it alone but if I only had Hayden alongside me then would we even stand a chance against other, more populated squads? I thought more but shrugged it off. No matter who I had with me, I would surely be able to work with them. I typed on my wrist screen and my car drove itself in front of me, opening the empty driver side door. I got in, shut the door and shifted into drive without putting on my seatbelt. I gunned it down the streets and swerved rapidly between some traffic on main roads. I eventually arrived at the hideout, scanning the room only to see that Toxic and the others were indeed gone. I opened my wrist screen while shaking my head and dialled Digital up fast.

"K? What's up? I haven't heard from you in a few days. Everything okay?" Hayden asked genuinely.

"It is now. The newest Squad Jam just dropped and I'm calling upon you to help me shoot some shitheads." I explained.

"Me?? What about Sinon? Surely you would want her by your side first." Hayden wondered.

"Yeah, about that. Her and I are... taking a break. I made a mistake I shouldn't have..." I admitted.

"But you two are normally inseparable. It must be serious if you're spending time away from each other." Hayden acknowledged.

"Right..." I hung my head

"Don't worry K, I'll be there. I've got your back till the end!" Hayden assured.

"Thank you, Hayden. I'm glad that despite what's happening around us, you understand me and accept me for who I am. Not many others can say that." I felt better knowing my friend was here for me.

"It's a blessing to be your friend, K. I've always thought so." Hayden was honest.

"Thank you, Digital." I lifted my head up with a faint smile.

"Always, Player1." He replied and the call ended.

I looked around the hideout and approached an empty wall off to the side. I snapped my fingers and it split, opening to reveal a giant rack of rifles, pistols and explosive artillery armaments. I smirked as white LED strips flickered on to light delightful display of guns. I cracked my knuckles and let out an audible chuckle as I thought about piles of players beneath my feet. The only thing my brain possibly could think of besides Sinon, was putting a bullet between the eyes of any bastard who dared cross my path. I found comfort in that feeling.

"Time to arm up." I sneered.

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