Shooting Spree

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"Sinon? It's Nell. How do you feel?" I heard him speak through the futuristic radio of the car.

"Determined to learn." I responded.

"Good. It's time to put you to the test." Nell said in a cryptic way.

"Oooh! I love this part." Liz smiled and rubbed her hands together.

"This will be a race against the clock. Let's hope you've payed attention. Ready?" Nell asked.

I waited.

"Go." He said calmly.

I shifted into drive and floored it out of the parking lot. The cars map tapped into my pinged location and created a path for me to follow. I swerved left and followed the route it had set. The engine roared to it's highest point and I shifted into the next gear. The car accelerated down the straight away until I was forced to turn again.

"For a proper drift-"

"I know." I cut him off.

I sped up, downshifted, tapped the breaks, swerved right and smashed on the gas. Perfect drift. I guided the car as it drifted the corner and slowly straightened out. I sped up along the new straight away and shifted up once more.

"Damn, Sinon! You're better at this than I thought." Liz commented as she held onto the roof handle.

"I learned from the best." I referred to K.

"Do you think you have what it takes to catch up to whoever caught him tho?" Liz asked.

"No. I have to be faster." I gained a need for speed.

I shifted up and floored the gas as we continued on the straight away.

"Left turn coming up." Nell informed me.

I took my foot off the gas and let my car begin to slow down on it's own. As I neared the turn I tapped the gas, then the breaks and slammed back on the gas while I turned. I executed a rather short drift around the corner. Sloppy.

"Right up next." Nell kept me posted.

I was ready this time. I tapped on the breaks and slammed on the gas as I turned to perform an acceptable drift around the corner. I sped up down the straight away and saw that I was nearby my destination.

"Your next left and you're there." Nell told me.

I found the left turn and tried to drift it but I lost control this time. The car spun in a full circle before coming to a stop. Luckily for us, we didn't hit anything but I parked the car and got out to see the exact road that K was taken out on. I walked a bit down the road to see metal and glass shards scattered on the concrete.

"So this is it, huh?" Liz asked.

I nodded, trying to pay close attention to the clues. Burned rubber left a trail leading off away from the scene. Before I drew any conclusions, I remembered K was electrocuted with a weird gun. I looked around for any sign of that. I found what looked like a magazine on the ground. Oddly enough, I don't remember that gun taking a mag. It didn't even take ammo. I picked it up and inspected it further. I realized that it was actually a battery. The man must have emptied it for a new battery after he shot K. I looked along the burned lines again and squeezed the battery in my hand.

"Let's go." I ordered as I made my way back to my car.

"That's it?" Liz asked.

"That's all I need." I said as I got back in the drivers seat.

Liz rushed after me and ran around to the passenger side. I started up the car and put it into gear. I followed the lines for a moment until they abruptly ended.

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