Victory Feast

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With the Sylph and Cat Sith army escorting us, we traveled to Sylph city capitol, Swilvane. Sakuya personally guided us thru the streets to her high quarters where we would be feasting in honour of our victory. As we walked thru the streets however, I noticed eyes locked onto our group for not also being Sylphs. I held K's arm tighter as we passed crowds of players. Perhaps they didn't know of our victory yet. In that moment, I noticed a tall blonde male Sylph player with two armed bodyguards. He gave K and I a dirty look. I looked back to K in order to ignore him but I saw that K was returning the dirty look. We left them behind and soon entered Sakuya's large royal dining room. Tons of delicious food lined the table and many seats were ready for us. K sat down first and I sat next to him as our little Athena flew to land on my shoulder in her shrunken pixie form. Our group sat around us and Sakuya sat at the very end in her regal seat. She smiled and looked upon us all.

"Welcome everyone to the victory feast. Before we begin, I believe a toast is in order." Sakuya raised her glass.

"To K, for saving Alfheim." I spoke aloud and raised my glass as well.

"To K!" Everyone did the same and drank.

Everyone started to dig into their food and sip their drinks. It was a peaceful and joyful feast.

"Is there anything you'd like to say, K?" Sakuya asked.

"Me?" K was caught off guard.

"Mhmm." Sakuya smiled.

"Well Uhm... I am eternally grateful that despite all of my past transgressions, the races of Alfheim still assisted me during the battle." K bowed his head.

"Of course, warrior. We would have done the same if it was for Kirito." Sakuya pointed out.

"So, K. You're into cat girls I see." Alicia prodded.

K hesitated to speak, being thrown off guard by her remark.

"N-no! That's not it at all! I just familiarize with them because I have a cat at home." K tried to make it sound not as bad.

"Really? I always thought you liked dogs." I inquired.

"Well, to be honest I like both, but I'm more of a cat person." K admitted.

"No wonder you're so into Sinon." Alicia took a bite of meat.

K opened his mouth to speak but then shut it and said nothing. For the first time ever, I saw K actually blush. I simply smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder happily.

"I heard you two have met irl." Sakuya blurted out of nowhere.

"Where did you hear that?" I asked, wondering how our personal life was known.

"Ask Kirito." Sakuya gestured and took a bite of food.

We looked and Kirito just froze. He looked back and sighed.

"It was too obvious to be kept a secret. Besides, we're all curious about it." Kirito admitted.

"Yeah. Tell us about how you two met irl." Asuna encouraged, being familiar with this type of story.

I looked to K and smiled. He looked back and fought away his laughter.

"You know more than me how it started." K booped my nose.

I giggled and began to tell the story while looking into his eyes.

"Well, I know it was raining that day. I was standing innocently under my umbrella when I saw him walking with his long hair in front of his face. As he neared closer, the clouds above us began to part. I thought it was too good to be true until we came face to face. It was a bit awkward at first, but we hit it off. He's been visiting me ever since." I held his hand.

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