The 22nd Floor

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There I was, taking in the sights of the newly cleared floor 21. Players soon started to riddle the towns, but not before I could snag some useful resources. I leaned against a wall in my new black hooded cloak and kept away from the masses of people. I took my blade off my back and examined the broadsword I had switched to. Sure, it did more damage than my previous longsword, but I was tired of it. I wanted something new, something better. Something that couldn't be wielded by anyone else. I wanted something especially unique to me and different from all the rest. In my head I thought of designs but all were too simple or practical. I needed to think outside of the box for this one.

"Hey!" A male voice called.

A familiar looking brown haired player rushed up to me and panted out of breath. At first, I didn't remember who he was because of his new gear. But when he stood up to talk to me, I recognized him as the guy from the first floor boss.

"I remember you." I said first.

"I should hope so. I didn't get the chance to introduce myself before in all the chaos. My names Hayden. It's a pleasure to meet you..." He awaited my name.

"I'm K." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, K." He smiled.

"So, floor 21 huh? We haven't even cleared half the game yet." Hayden looked up at the next floor above us.

"Yeah, but I'm determined to clear the next floor." I clenched my fist.

"What? But you don't have a team. How do you expect to clear the 21st floor all on your own?" Hayden asked.

"The mini boss. Every floor has an extra boss somewhere that drops a rare item. Maybe this one will drop something that can help us." I suggested.

"You're willing to sacrifice your life for an item that may or may not be there?" Hayden asked.

"It's worth a shot." I shrugged.

"You're crazy, K." He chuckled.

"Crazy enough to pull it off." I got off the wall and faced the right direction.

I took a step forward but didn't hear Hayden behind me.

"You coming with?" I peeked over my shoulder.

"Do I even have a choice?" He asked.

"No. You don't. Let's go." I beckoned him.

Into the dark plains we went, traversing the ever rolling hills along the way. Once we neared the foot of the mountain, an intimidating dragon roar came from the skies as it flew around the peak. Hayden and I both knelt down and I began to laugh hysterically.

"It's been so long since I've killed a dragon! I can't wait to slay it!" I was excited.

"Be careful, K... Dragons aren't a foe to scoff at." Hayden warned.

"No. Listen to me brother, we as swordsman, knights, warriors, legends or otherwise are born to slay dragons! It's written in our blood! So together, with our blades side by side... Let's bring down this beast!" I shouted and held up my sword.

He did the same and understood exactly what I was talking about. I spawned myself a shield and so did he. We charged loudly to gain the attention of the airborne dragon. Eventually, it swooped in and tried to breath fire on us both. It missed and landed on the ground before us. With a roar, the dragon proceeded to try to bite. Hayden and I knocked it's face with our shields, following up with sword attack. The dragon fell back and roared before taking up to the sky again.

"He's gonna lap around twice for this flame run! Be ready!" I assured Hayden.

"How do you know?" He asked.

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