The Unending

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Types of players who arrogantly flaunt their stuff can be quite toxic and usually put down others regardless of their position in the game. Because of this, they are satisfying to put down thru skill in gameplay. They may talk a big game, but can they hold it down when the time comes? Grudges tend to be held against these players because of the way they carry themselves. The harsh words and sometimes even slurs they use make them the worst scum of the gaming worlds. Which is why they should be put in their place. Not with malice or anger in response, but with pure skill and precision.

Player1 drifted the bike to a grinding halt. I got off and so did he but as he did so, he pressed a button on the middle of the handle bars to turn the bike back into a detonator device.

"Keep low and stay behind me. We must retain the element of surprise." Player1 ordered.

He growled, clearly determined to kill whoever it was he was up against. Once we got behind safe cover he turned to me.

"Playing with you has been fun, Sinon. If we win, I'll friend you so we can play again sometime." Player1 was genuine.

"What if we don't win?" I asked.

"Well, then I guess I'll just forget you ever existed." He joked through his voice changer.

I gave him a light punch in the arm, smiling wide as I did so.

"So who is it you're wanting to kill so badly?" I wondered.

"A clan of scum who think they're untouchable. I will be their downfall." Player1 pulled out his pistols and readied himself.

"Then I'll keep you covered the best I can." I assured him.

"Won't need it." He shrugged off and began to walk ahead.

I quickly made my way to some high ground and noticed a large squad of players pushing in from all different angles. Player1 stepped out from the shadows into the open and the group immediately located their target.

"Ambush!!" I called out.

Player1 popped a close one in the head instantly and turned to shoot another in the chest. He managed to duck away from a high angled bullet and snapped to the aggressor without issue. After dealing with them, the shing of a blade echoed close by. Player1 turned around just in time to back away from an eye level knife slash. He ducked under the next slice, holstered his guns in a flash and struck his knuckles into the players abdomen. With the aggressor being stunned, Player1 grabbed his head and forced his kneecap into his nose. The player tumbled, leaving him to peek back up at me. His head upturned slightly as he drew his pistol and aimed it at me, but I wasn't going to let him save me a second time. I sweep kicked behind me and caught someone's ankle, ultimately tripping them to the ground. I quickly got up and stomped hard on their chest, pulling out my Glock to execute the foolish soldier with a single bullet. Once done, I looked down to Player1 and smiled. He peeked around when he supposedly felt the heat of a laser on his neck. With instinctive aim he shot a lone player in the shoulder, causing them to duck behind their cover.

"You missed." I told Player1.

"I hit my mark. They need to be humiliated, not just killed." He told me as he reloaded fast.

One wounded player held his chest on the ground and struggled to aim his rifle up. Player1 put a single bullet into his head then turned to me and shook his finger.

"Sinon, cover me! I need to reload!" Player1 yelled, shaking his head too.

Suddenly the previous enemy player rose up from behind cover but was instantly met with a bullet in the forehead.

"Sike." Player1 still held up his smoking gun.

"You're having too much fun with this." I joked.

"What can I say? I just hate scrubs." Player1 shrugged.

As he did so, he got shot in the shoulder by a high caliber bullet and quickly ducked back behind a barrier.

"Player1!" I yelled, not knowing his real name.

I looked to where the shot had come from and saw two players scanning around with their guns. I pulled out my auto Glock and sprinted over to them myself. They both heard my footsteps and turned as I jumped to kick the first one in the chest, causing him to fall onto his back. I stood on his chest and ducked under the second players gun as I smashed the barrel of my pistol into his stomach, firing it in the same instance. I slapped the players gun away and shot him in the face just as the player on the ground suddenly threw me off his chest. I rolled onto my back which caused me to lose grip of my gun and was instantly met with a player straddling me. He pulled a knife that came inches from my throat but I held back his wrists to stop the blade. Out of nowhere, he was shot in the side of the head and his body quickly exploded into shards.

"Player1! Thank god you-" I rolled over to look but saw a player wearing a mask that was almost identical to DeathGun's.

"Now now... you all know not to steal the kills from me." The man, if you could call him that, chuckled manically from his voice changer.

I was reminded of the fear of dying irl back when I had encountered DeathGun. I got to a sitting position and began to crawl back away quickly.

"You know... Fear is quite amusing. So tell me, Sinon..." The masked man got right up in my face and almost held me down with his body.

I tried to throw a punch but he instantly caught my fist.

"What do you fear the most?" His eyes glistened and my heart was spiked with adrenaline.

I screamed aloud just as Player1 kicked the man's head, knocking him tumbling off. Player1 stepped over me and the masked man began to laugh manically as he got to all fours.

"You really think it's funny to torment people, don't you?" Player1 approached with his fists clenched and his weapons holstered.

Player1 kicked the man onto his back.

"You can mess with me all you want..." He knelt on the man and began to feed him hard punches.

"But, You will! Not! Touch! Her!" Player1 was beating the masked man senseless.

Player1 growled as he threw a final hook which spider cracked the side of the metal mask. The freak fell limp and exploded into shards, signaling the end of the Super Soldiers Tournament. Player1 and I had won, but he had to breathe a bit from the force of his punches. I finally got up and walked over to him, offering a hand to help him up. He took it and stood with me.

"I suppose that's it then. Hell of a game, Play- Uhh... Hey, I never got your real name." I was instantly met with a friend request from the letter K.

I looked up to Player1 and saw that he had his menu open.

"It's K." He nodded to me from behind his visor.

I had a sneaking suspicion that this K person was actually Kirito but I thought of reasons why he would do it and none added up to anything sound.

"I'll be seeing you in Alfheim... Sinon." K had a playful tone in his voice.

"I'm betting you don't play that as much as you play this." I joked.

"Something like that." Player1 chuckled.

A short silence filled the air.

"...Thank you, K." I said genuinely as we began to be ported back to the lobby.

"Thank you, Sinon." Player1 nodded at me.

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