Find Her, Fix This

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Noah's POV:

It's been 3 days since Kaylee told me shes moving to Australia and 3 days since everyone found out.
'You're the one that matters most.' Those words lingered in my mind.
Kaylee was talking to Skye and Danielle and Alex. I glanced at her while I walked by. I didn't want Kaylee to leave without me making my mistake correct so I decided to wait until we worked together in the Juice Bar.

Kaylee's POV:

Great. Me and Noah have a shift together.

Noah's POV:

"Hey Kayls." i said softly. She kept her eyes down at the table.

"Um... that's a nice bracelet." Nothing.

"Look. Im sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad." "Yeah" was the only thing she said.
"So record after work?" I say trying to lift her mood. She smiled sadly.
"Yeah why not. It might be the last." She said throwing a tissue out.
"Uh Huh." I said. The last?
"Hey can I ask you something?" Kaylee asked me. "Anything"
"When you said we should be the lodges newest couple not Ben and Danielle, were you saying the truth or just joking?"
"Uh...."she looked at me weirdly. What do say to your crush when you told them  'we should be a couple'?
"Truth." I whispered.
"What?" She said moving closer to me.
"Say it again." She said.
"Truth." She stared at me.

Kaylee's POV:

Noah wants us to be a couple!

Noah's POV:

She stared at me. She hates me. It's going to be awkward for the rest of our lives. She's going to go to Australia and meet some guy named Conner and start dating him and get married there. And I'll be at the Lodge just being the brides friend and I'll be put as "Guest" on the invitation not V.I.P.

Kaylee's POV:

I couldn't help but smile.
"Good" I say. He arched his eyebrows in a confusing way.
"Cause if you said joke I would have killed you." I say.
"Wait what?"
"If you said joke."
"Joke to what?"
"Music Night?"
"Music Night?" Yeesh. Noah could be so dumb sometimes.
"The couple thing?——I was hoping you would say truth. Cause then when I go to Australia, i can tell someone that I have a boyfriend but it's a long distance relationship. Which will be true." I say smiling at him and walking out.

Noah's POV:

I'm Kaylee's BOYFRIEND!!!!!!

—time skip 9 days later—

Skye's POV:

Todays the day.

Danielle's POV:

I can't believe it's actually happening.

Sean's POV:

It can't be.

Ben's POV:

The one who made fun of me for liking Skye, then Danielle, is leaving.

Alex's POV:

Come on! If the girl goes, that means more work for me!

I mean... noooo

Noah's POV:

I can't believe it. She's leaving.
The one who made me laugh when I was down.
The one who gave such good advice but never used it for herself.
The one who always put everyone before herself.
The one who hit me with a pillow when I wouldn't listen to her.
The one who is an incredible singer.
The one who said 'I Love You you idiot" that brought us closer then ever before.

Why does it keep happening?

I admit my feelings to Kaylee, she went to Music School.
We finally get together, she's leaving to Australia.



I did it! Chapter complete! I know you probably think 'why so early?'
I have a plan, don't worry😏

SHSAT is done. It was a 3 hour test! Like who makes a test 3 hours long?!
The state test is the only exception!

Does anyone know why the Lodge episode didn't come this Friday? ________________________

Anyway, hope you guys liked it! I tried to make it as big as I could but I didn't want to put everything in one chapter. 😬

Have a great day! 😁


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