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Narrator ME:

Samantha and Kaylee were in the lunch room when they heard someone drop their lunch tray. Turning around, they saw Natalie run off. They turned back around to see Matt. With ANOTHER girl. How they knew that it wasn't just a friend... they were holding hands. Samantha handed Kaylee her tray and marched to Matt. She grabbed him by his shirt collar so she could look at him staright in the eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked him.

"Eating lunch." He gulped.

"Did you forget something Mattson?"

"NO." He snapped.

"You little piece of---" She was cut off by Blake.

"Hey whats wrong?' he asked her. He broke in between them holding her hands.

"He's cheating on Natalie!" Kaylee said.

"What? Seriously?" He turned to face Matt. Followed by Tyler and Tyson who arrived late as usual.


"Bro thats not cool."

"Shut up!" Matt yelled. Samantha glared at him.

"Don't look at me like that! You too Kaylee!" He sneered.

"I didn't do anything!" Kaylee debated.


"Go back to Noah Kaylee! And go back to Rome Samantha!" Samantha's angered fill eyes turned more anger filled.

"What's Noah got to do with this?" Tyler asked.
"We used to date..." Kaylee answered.
"Used to?" He responded. Not even the slightest bit of anger or sadness. 'He's going to be so mad' Kaylee thought to herself.

"We broke up." She answered.

"Ok. You coulda just told me that."

"Wait What?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't be mad"

"This played differently in my mind..."

"Don't worry New Girl I could never get mad at you." They smiled at each other before they just began staring into each other's eyes.

"Sorry to break it to you lovebirds But we have something going on here." Tyson said breaking them apart.

"What a way to ruin such a beautiful moment." Someone in the crowd that gathered around the whole argument said.

"Go back to Rome?" Samantha began walking closer to Matt who began backing away slowly.

"You should probably go back to where YOU came from." She said her hands forming into fists. Matt looked frightened.
"Oh I just forgot that you're from Germany where you ran away from home!"
"But you know while your gone I'll tell everyone what a stupid. Little. Idiotic. Guy you are for breaking MY best friends heart for THIS blonde chick who you just met." She said about to punch him. Blake stopped her before things got even more out of hand. Just then, the principal, Mr.Jack, walked in.
"What is going on here?" He asked Matt, Samantha, and Blake.

"Samantha is just jealous of my new boyfriend." Answered the blonde-almost white haired girl.

"Jealous? Like I would ever be jealous of a snotty brat like you! And for the record, even if Matt was the LAST guy on earth I would never date him." She snapped.

"We just had a little argument sir." Kaylee answered.

"Oh! Ms. Marsden! How are you? How do you like the school?"

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