Audion Secondary School

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Kaylee's POV:

-Time Skip one week-

Jonathan hit me with a pillow. I woke up immediately. The clock on my bedside table read 6:00 a.m. I rubbed my eyes.
"First day of school." He said clapping his hands. I groaned and laid back in bed.
"Come on Kay."

"I got here one week ago and I already have to go to school?"

"Seems about it." I groaned and got up and walked to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went downstairs where Mum had my uniform. I took it and went back up to my room. I got used to my house but sometimes got lost.

Of course Dad chose the school with the best business program

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Of course Dad chose the school with the best business program. I looked at the school crest. "Audion Wilhamsher Secondary School." I did my hair and walked downstairs to the kitchen with my phone. I had been texting Noah the other night. Belfast was an hour ahead.
Noah italics
Kaylee regular

How is it there?
Well, pretty, it's big, there's like a beach two blocks away
Oh. Cool
I have to go school tomorrow
Yeah. Dad planned everything
Makes sense. Well don't faint 🙂
Haha very funny

I ate breakfast silently. Jonathan came in ten minutes later.
"Ready?" He said with a cup of coffee in his hand. I sighed and walked to the sink. I took my bag and phone and we walked to his car. We drove past the beach.
"I'll pick you up at 3:45 ok?" He said stopping at the red light.
"School ends that late?" I said shocked.
"No. School ends at 3:30." The light turned green and the car lurched forward. After another 15 minutes, we came to my new school.
(⬆️⬆️⬆️ very top: picture of the school) I rolled the window down to see the huge school. My eyes widened.
"It's big, Huh?"
"Big? It's humongous!" I said astonished. He laughed.
"Bye, have fun!" He said.
"Yeah, fun" I said closing the door behind me. I stared up at the top of the building. Boys and and girls my age ran to their friends. Girls hugging each other, talking about how their summer went. Boys hi-fiving and chasing each other. I was the only one who had no friends. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and walked in. I looked around for the main office. I accidentally walked into the teachers lounge. I think the head principal was in there because he noticed me immediately.
"Hey! What are you doing in here?" One of the teachers asked sternly in his Australian accent. He was wearing a white button down shirt with a red tie and black jeans with black sneakers. He had his sleeves rolled up. My heart sped up.
"S-s-sorry." I said nervously.
"Are you Kaylee Marsden?" Another teacher asked. He was in a black suit.
"Yes." I said. How did he know?
"Oh! Welcome! James, this is our newest student. She just moved here from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Her brother and his fiancé told me in advance to make sure she has a good first day." The guy in the black suit told James. James stern face immediately turned into a smile.
"Oh. Sorry for yelling yeah? Just first day stress yeah? I'm Mr. Miles." Why did he keeping say 'yeah'. He walked up to me with his cup of coffee in one hand and one hand out for me to shake. I shook it. The other teacher walked up to me aswell .
"I'm the Headmaster. Headmaster Jackson. You can call me Mr. Jack." He said winking at me. I smiled a little. I heard shuffling behind me.
"Oi! Samantha! Natalie! Get in here!" Mr. Miles yelled. They both walked in.
"What are you guys doing? Or should I say Natalie?" He asked looking at who I'm guessing is Natalie.
"Just seeing who was getting into trouble on the first day." Natalie said crossing her arms across her chest. She had orange hair just like Alex but hers was longer. She had a brown purse and was wearing wedges. Samantha, I'm guessing, hit her on her arm.
"Ow!" Natalie glared at her. Samantha had dirty blonde hair that she put in a high pony tail. She had a black and purple book bag on one shoulder and had gray Converse on.
"She's not in trouble. She got lost. She's new." Mr. Miles explained. Does he not know my name?
"Ooh new student!" Natalie clapped, jumping up and down. Samantha rolled her eyes at her friend and smiled at me. I started playing with the bracelet Noah made me when we were 10. Mr. Jack walked up behind and put a hand on my shoulder.
"This is Kaylee Marsden. Her brother owns William Marsden Inc." Samantha and Natalie stared at me, wide-eyed.
"William Marsden Inc? That's the biggest company in Australia!" Natalie said astonished.
"Yes. I want you two to show her around today. It's a big school, so don't let her go off until she knows the whole place yeah?" Mr. Jack said. Natalie smiled.
"Sure. Welcome to Audion Secondary." Samantha said. I smiled slightly but went back to playing with my bracelet.
"Well, have a good first day Kaylee. If you have any problems, or if your lost, come ask." Mr.Miles said. I silently laughed nervously.
"Follow us New Kid." Natalie said turning around and walking away.
"Uh... sorry about her. She's annoying like that." Her friend said.
"Come on." She said. I followed her and we walked down the hall in silence.
"I'm Samantha." She said.
"Where did you move from?" She asked.
"Belfast, Northern Ireland." I replied shyly.
"Belfast? That's cool." She said.

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