One Last Recording

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Noah's POV:

I found Kaylee at the tree.
"So, forgotten crush huh?" I said sitting down next to her.
"I should've known Danielle wouldn't change." She whispered.
"It's been a long time since we've seen Jonathan. He's engaged right?" I said.
"Yeah. Don't worry I'll make sure to invite you to the wedding." She laughed. We talked for a little bit, laughing.
"When are you leaving again?" I said. She looked at her phone.
"1 hour and 20 minutes." She gulped.
"One last recording?" I said holding my hand out.
"One last recording." She said as we walked off hand in hand to the Rec Room. Everyone went back to work.
I took my laptop out.
"How many laptops do you have?" Kaylee said.
"Well here I have 2 including yours and at home 1." I said. I put headphones on and gave her a thumbs up.
"Wait." She said.
"I don't know what song I should do. You choose." She said. I put my thinking face on.
"If You Only Knew." I said.
"Of course you'd pick that." She said going back to the microphone and putting the headphones back on.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I  replied. "Nothing."
"We never recorded the full song." I added.
"I know. I'm don't even know if I want you to hear the fulls song." She said fiddling  with the microphone.
"Well, It's the last day here. Together. Please?" I asked. She stared at me.
"Yeah." She sighed.
I pressed record on my laptop and began mixing it.

I secretly clicked 'generate lyrics' so I could read them later. She finished and took the headphones off.
"So?" She said.
"Amazing." I replied. She smiled at me. I clicked 'save' and 'export to files'.
"So what do you want to do now?" I asked.
"I wanted to go for a walk with the whole gang. One last" She didn't finish. Jonathan was standing there dumbfounded. So was her mother. And I think Jonathan's fiancé.
Kaylee stood there the headphones in her hands. She looked scared. Her brother nor mother ever heard her sing before because she only sang here at the Lodge. All three of them were speechless.
"That was... amazing." Mystery girl said. She turned to look at Jonathan.
"Y-y-y-you sing?" He said. I looked at Kaylee who looked at me.
"No." She said scared. I looked back and forth between them.
"Yeah. She does." I said breaking the silence.
"Kaylee Marsden, you sing and never told us?!" Mrs. Marsden shrieked.
"F-f-for real?" Her brother said.
"I'm sorry." She whispered to me and gave me my headphones.
"Kaylee Marsden you take those headphones back right now." Mystery girl said. Mrs. Marsden and Jonathan looked at her quickly.
She walked up to me and Kaylee. She was wearing brown boots, blue skinny jeans, and a black and white stripe sweater. She had her hair half-up half-down. Exactly like Skye's hair but longer and not blonde.
"Are you Noah?"
"Oh and I'm Kelly. Jonathan's fiancé," She said.
"H-how did you know my name?" I asked.
"Please, I've known Kaylee for two years now. I think I'd notice her boyfriend pretty quickly." She said winking at me. I smiled and looked at my laptop.
"You wrote that didn't you?" Kelly said turning to Kaylee. Kaylee stared at her.
Kelly groaned. "Hold on." She grabbed Jonathan by his hand and dragged him away. She then came back.
"Mrs.Marsden May I speak to you? Privately?" Kaylee's mother walked with her. Once they were gone, Kaylee let out a huge sigh and sat down on the stage.
"It wasn't so bad was it?" I asked walking up to her. She shook her head.
"Look, if you're mad at me for getting involved in all of this, I'll leave." I said. She jerked her head up.
"Leave? Why would I want you to leave?" She said.
"Oh, cause I thought..." I said sitting down next to her.
"If you think that, then I need to find myself a new best friend."
"Hey!" I said.
"I'm trying my best." I placed a hand on my heart dramatically. We burst out laughing.
"Now can we please ease drop on them?" I whined. Here's a trick. Every time I whine, she'll do whatever I say.
"Fine. I'm only listening to you because I'm going to leave soon." We walked to the Locker Room and found them talking.

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