She's Happy?!

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Natalie's POV:

I went straight home after. How could Matt do this to me? AH!!!! What is happening to my life? That's when I suddenly remembered. Paul. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted him. Now we'll see how Mattson likes it...

-the next day-
Samantha's POV:

After the break—er—catastrophe that occurred yesterday, we decided to give Natalie her space. Considering the turn of events that occurred happened a few weeks BEFORE the school dance... I'm going to give her A LOT of space. I opened my locker and put my jacket inside and took my books out. I closed my locker and turned around. Blake. "Creep."
"Ha ha very funny." He responded. We began to walk to find Kaylee.

"What are we going to be doing do about Natalie?"

"Give her her space."

"Eh ok. But what about Matt?"

"You seriously want me to answer that?" I asked stopping to face him. He thought for a minute.

"No." He answered finally.

"Good answer." Rolling my eyes, I walked ahead of him and found Kaylee looking really confused. She was leaning on a near by wall with an extremely confused expression.

"What's with you?" She didn't answer.

"Hello?" we waved our hands in front of her face.

"Huh? What?" She finally answered.

"Why do you look so confused?" Blake asked.

"Natalie called me last night." She said taking her phone out.


"She kept saying 'Paul'. In every sentence...then she sent me a box of chocolates that say 'For Samantha and Cailii and Sabrena.'"

"What about me?!" Blake protested. We looked at him weirdly. "Anyway it seems fine to me that she sent Kaylee chocolates."

"But she spelled my name wrong. MY name wrong. It's only 6 letters long."

"How'd she spell it?"


"we know Natalie...she's not that DUMB!" Blake answered. Just then, the bell rang signaling to go to class. We got up and walked to Mr.Miles class. We copied what was on the board till Natalie walked in. 15 minutes late.

"Nice of you to finally join us Ms. Harrison." Mr. Miles said handing her a textbook.

"Sorry Miles. I had an appointment." He looked at her weirdly. As the class went by, Natalie hummed and looked well...happy. Joyful.
"Great day isn't Mr. Miles. See you tomorrow!" She squealed and walked to her next class. We were gathering our stuff ready to leave.

"I don't know what's gotten into her, but you guys have to fix it." Mr. Miles said to us.

"Why us?" Sabrena asked.

"Cause I'm your teacher and I said so!" He said. And he just couldn't wait to add, "Now get out of my classroom. Shoo." The day kept getting weirder and weirder. Natalie was happy, not the slightest bit annoyed, angered, or sad.  Tyson met up with us after French.
"So What are we doing for free period?" He asked. Kaylee shrugged. So We sat in the library, against Blake's arguments to do something "fun". Tyson went and got his favorite book: Harry Potter. People are often surprised to see him reading such a 'big' book. He always watched the movies but none of us could share his enthusiasm. Then, he got called to the principals office.

Tyson's POV:

I entered his office to see him sitting there, eating a donut. Talk about cliché.  
"Oh Tyson!" He said cleaning his hands with a paper towel. "Follow me". We walked to the teachers lounge. As we got inside, my eyes immediately fell upon a girl with blonde hair, sitting in the window, reading and drinking... coffee? He led me to the girl.
"Tyson, I would like you to meet Taylor, my niece." She looked up at me and smiled at me, a small one.
"Don't you mean granddaughter?" I joked. He glared at me and I saw that his niece choked on her beverage.
"Niece it is." I finished.
"Taylor, this is Tyson, he'll be showing you around the school and he'll be teaching you how to ice skate."

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