Chapter 2 - Broken

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"Y/N wake up, we're here." Christina shook you awake. Your eyes slowly opened and you sat up, putting your belt back on.

"That was a quicker flight then what I thought." You yawned, squinting at the brightness of the sun coming though the windows.

"That's probably because you slept though the whole thing. There is one thing we kinda forgot to do though." Christina cringed and it made your eyes widen.

"How the hell did we forget to tell someone to come and pick us up?!" You whisper shouted not wanting to disturb others on the plane even though there weren't that many.

"Well your choice, we either call a cab, an Uber or you can get manager Geoff." She suggested. Geoff was normally busy and you couldn't stand taxis so an Uber was your only choice.

"When we land I'll order an Uber." You told her. Quickly grabbing your phone, you checked the time and it was 11am. Once the plane had descended, you and Christina rushed off and went to grab your luggage.

"Hey, you'll be okay." Christina told you, noticing the look on your face becoming more saddened.

"I'm fine, I promise." You reassured her, seeing your suitcase on the conveyor belt and ripping it off.

"You don't have to pretend with me, I know you." She told you but you just stayed silent. Jack hadn't talked to you for the past two days and she didn't know that. Jack had stopped FaceTiming you about two and a half weeks ago and she didn't know that. As Christina grabbed her suitcases, you took your time to order an Uber and thankfully it was only two minutes away. You took one of her suitcases and a duffle bag and left the airport. Christina spotted the Uber and you literally sprinted over to it.

"Hey there girls, where would you like to go?" She asked. Christina gave her the address and you were on your way.

"So where are y'all from?" She asked.

"I'm from New York." Christina smiled, while putting her hair into a pony tail.

"And I was born in Los Angeles, up until the age of 4 I lived there, and then when I was 5, I lived with my grandparents for a year in Kentucky and then I moved to a small town called Susquehanna in Pennsylvania up until I was 17, then I moved back to California, and just a few months ago I moved to New York for college." You told her. She seemed blown away.

"You've been quite the traveller then I see?" She smiled.

"Yeah, it's not always fun and games though. Travelling definitely has its disadvantages." You frowned. The rest of the car ride was quite chill and before you knew it, you had pulled up on the street that lead up to the boys house.

"Thank-you so much." You both waved the driver off and now it was time.

"If my hands weren't filled with luggage, I'd be holding yours right now. I'm not telling you everything will go smoothly because Jack has confused me just as much as he has you but I will tell you that I'll be by your side this whole time." She told you. Once you made it to the house, that's when your nerves seriously kicked in.

"Y/N breathe!" Christina smacked your hand. You let out a breath and knocked on the door. The anticipation was killing you. Who was going to answer the door? How were they gonna react? You heard someone undo the lock and slowly the door was open. You grinned when you saw Daniel and Jonah.

"What the heck are you guys doing here!?" Jonah shouted hugging you tight, Daniel doing the same shortly after.

"Surprise!" Christina laughed.

"Where are the other boys?" Christina asked them, Jonah grabbed the suitcases and Daniel took the duffel bags, ushering for us to come in.

"Corbyn is in the backyard with Jack and Zach is still asleep." Daniel smiled.

"This is perfect, but I quickly need to use the bathroom so give me two seconds before we surprise them." Christina told you, rushing up the stairs.

"Now, before you see Jack, you have to understand something Y/N." Jonah's face slightly softened.

"Yeah, I gathered." You sighed. Daniel shot you a look of guilt as you started to get upset again.

"Don't cry, don't be upset. We're here to keep you happy. You just have to know that Jack isn't the same person he was. His mood has changed between everyone, not just you. Don't take it personal, deep down, the love is still there, he just needs help finding it." Jonah rubbed your back. Christina was soon back down the stairs again and it was go time.

"Let's do this." Christina whispered. You nodded taking one more deep breath. You peaked around the corner and the boys were both on sun loungers.

"So Y/N, how are you liking the California weather?" Christina shouted as the pair of you walked outside. Immediately Corbyn shot up.

"Christina and Y/N!" He embraced us both into a hug and then let go of you and held onto Christina. Jack just looked at you.

"Hey babe." You smiled, he didn't even care.

"Hi Y/N." He said bluntly.

"Dude! Aren't you happy your girlfriend came here and surprised you? You should be freaking great full." Corbyn scolded him.

"Whatever, don't tell me how I should react, you're not my mom." Jack sighed. Jonah and Daniel stood with angry and shocked looks and Christina was getting mad.

"It seems that you need your mom at the moment because right now you're acting like a complete child! Not to mention you're being such a brat. Y/N hasn't seen you in god knows how long Jack and when she finally had the time, you don't care. That's the thing Jack, you're pushing her away!" Christina shouted, storming into the house.

"I just miss you Jack." You whispered.

"You weren't really missing me when you chose to move to New York were you?" Jack raised his voice, slightly scaring you.

"I thought I was making the best decision for myself. You said you were proud of me. I would never have gone if you didn't want me too. I love you Jack but I guess the feeling really isn't mutual anymore is it?" Your voice cracked at the end.

"I can't be listening to you right now Y/N." Jack started to get up.

"Then when will you listen to me Jack? Because you haven't for such a long time. It's like you don't even want to be a couple anymore." Tears escaped your eyes.

"I never asked you to come back here. I never asked for what you call a surprise visit. You should've just stayed in New York." His words hit you like knives.

"If that's how you feel." Your throat became hoarse.

"Jack you don't mean that." Daniel told him, but he just walked right past. Jonah came and sat down next to you.

"I'm so sorry." Jonah told you and you burst into tears. Daniel soon next to your side, pulling you into his embrace. Jack watched from the side of the door and you could see the guilt, but he quickly got rid of it and went to do his own thing.

"Maybe being here is a bad idea but we need to talk. He's not the only one whose broken."

If you loved me, why'd you break me?Where stories live. Discover now