Chapter 3 - Falling Apart

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Daniel, Jonah and yourself stayed outside for an extra twenty minutes before Christina and Corbyn came back outside. Jack was slowly walking behind them and he took a seat on the opposite side of the backyard. You stood up and Christina wrapped her arms around you.

"He's such an asshole." She whispered and you nodded.

"We've been upstairs and Zach is awake. He's really sleepy but he knows what's gone down so he's gonna get changed and then he'll be here. He's missed you Y/N." Corbyn smiled.

"At least some people have Corbyn." He have you a sympathetic look but didn't say anything else.

"Y/N!" Zach shouted, you got up and rushed over to him and he happily hugged you. Over his shoulder, Jack was looking in your direction, but his eyes averted when he realised you were looking right back at him.

"I'm so glad you're here! I've missed you!" Zach shouted even louder, obviously trying to make Jack see what he should be doing.

"Thanks for trying Zach, but he doesn't care." You hugged him one more time before heading back into the house on your own. You walked upstairs and headed for Jack and Daniels shared room, which you used to be a part of. As per usual, the room was clean and tidy but that wasn't what caught your eye. On Jacks side of the wall, there were a collage of pictures. They were of you and him. One was from the day you and him were in the airport whilst getting ready to leave Susquehanna and the other from one of his first shows.

"I'm so proud of him." You whispered to yourself, running your fingers over the photos from his tour. You weren't gonna let yourself cry, not again anyway.

"I quite like the one from my graduation." You heard Jacks voice from behind you. Looking over at the picture he was talking about, it was his graduation hat thrown in the air while you both shared a kiss.

"Yeah, that ones nice." You swallowed the lump in your throat.

"And that one, when you got your ten million subscriber plaque." Just hearing his voice again made you feel a whole lot of emotions.

"The past is in the past." You sighed wanting to walk past him but he blocked you from leaving.

"Which is why I'm hoping you'll listen to me." After all this time, he had never once listened to you.

"And why should I? Jack you can't see. We're falling apart. You chose not to talk to me for all that time. You chose to tell me that I should've stayed in New York. You're pushing me away. I love you. I've loved you since we were kids." You raised your voice like he did earlier.

"And if you're gonna apologise and say you only did all of this because you miss me then I seriously just don't want to hear it." You continued.

"Y/N, everything is getting hard. I rarely get to see my family let alone you. And yeah most of this is because I miss you and I'm mad at myself. I never wanted you to leave, I just couldn't ruin your excitement and happiness. Believe me when I say I'm so proud of you because I really am, it's just difficult not having you here. You were keeping me sane when the guys couldn't." Jack admitted. You didn't know what to say.

"If you missed me, why did you push me away? Why did you push everyone away?" You asked him. Jack walked over to his bed and you followed him.

"I was stupid. I've been caught up in the career and I'm pathetic for taking it out on all of the people that mean the world to me." He put his head in his hands.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." You uncovered his hands and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm not saying it's okay because it's totally unacceptable but I will say thank-you for your apology. Just please stop being such an asshole." You groaned. Jack slightly smirked.

"I love you." He reached over and hugged you. It felt like it had been forever since you two had been with each other.

"I love you too, just stop being so nasty." You sighed. He nodded, resting his head in the crook of your neck. You stayed like that for a while.

"Now I think it's about time you apologise to everyone downstairs. I know you haven't been the nicest to them either and you need to say sorry because you've upset them." You told him. He grabbed your hand and you both walked down stairs together.

"Now that's what I like to see." Zach smiles from the couch. Everyone's heads turned and you gave Jack a nudge, ushering for him to apologise.

"Guys, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. It's totally unacceptable especially when all you guys have done is stuck by me and been my brothers. And as for you Christina, I am sorry I got you so worked up earlier, I know you were only being there for Y/N and Corbyn and I'm glad they have you in their lives." Jack told them all. Individually they all got up and hugged Jack.

"Whatever you said to him Y/N well done. You knocked some sense into him." Jonah laughed.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Jack once again ever so quickly. We'll be outside if you need us." You walked back through to the backyard again, took your shoes and socks off and dipped your legs into the pool.

"What's cooking good looking?" Jack teased making you roll your eyes.

"I know you don't wanna really talk about it, and neither do I. But we need to discuss this whole long distance relationship situation." You felt Jack shudder. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder at you continued talking.

"Moving to New York hurt everyone. I was clearly blind to see that you didn't really want me to leave. I'm will talk to Christina and I'm gonna drop out and move back here." Jack looked at you confused.

"Don't just say that because of what I said earlier. FIT is your dream Y/N, don't let me tear that down." Jack pulled you closer.

"Yeah, and dreams don't always last. Jack I love you. I love the boys and I love California. Nothing is worse then having to say goodbye at the airport all of the time and as much as I adore Christina, I'm gonna cancel my ticket and call FIT." You let out. There would be other colleges and universities in California.

"I'm not telling you what to do. Just remember what my mom told you, only do what makes you happy. Not anyone else. It's your life and not even I can make your decisions for you, it's all down to you." Jack told you.

"It's gonna suck because of all my hard work. But I suppose they're are so many more opportunities here. I'm just gonna need the school to send over my portfolios and documents." Your decision was final.

"Please don't do this because of me." Jack pleaded.

"I'm not. I'm doing this for myself."

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