Chapter 9 - Pretty Awkward

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The ride to the grove was pretty awkward. The others stayed silent and every so often Daniel would show you something funny that he found on his phone. Before you got to the grove, both of the Seavey brothers gave you hugs.

"Just remember, you have us." Tyler grinned, you nodded, getting out. The sun hit you instantly and you regretted not bringing sunglasses.

"You're gonna be glad that I'm your best friend." Christina said placing a spare pair of shades over your eyes.

"Thank-you." You laughed, from a distance, you could see a few lime-lights, only because they had the merch on, so by instinct you rushed over to Jack and placed his arm around your shoulder while yours went to his waist.

"What are you doing?" Jack whispered. You pointed at some fans who had made it over. There was only five of them so there was no worry in having security.

"Hey Y/N and Jack." A girl around the age of fifteen came over to you and hugged you both.

"Hi, how are you?" You smiled, she looked so shocked and happy that she had met you both.

"I'm even better now I've got to meet you. I've been at the grove every day since I heard you were in California because I know you love the stores here." She laughed, proud of the information she knew.

"Aw that's so sweet of you, do you want me to sign anything? Or take a picture?" You asked her, she nodded.

"Is it okay if I have separate pictures with you and then pictures of us three and then can you sign my phone?" She asked and both you and Jack happily obliged. Her friend came over and took the photos and then you and Jack signed the phone.

"Thank-you so much." She squealed walking over to the other boys.

"Don't forget to tag us!" Jack laughed.

"I won't, you two are my favorite couple!" Everyone's eyes averted over to the pair of you, but you just ignored it and carried on taking photos. Once everyone left, you decided to go straight to Starbucks.

"Y/N wait up." Jack called, you rolled your eyes, praying the others would follow after him, and they didn't. You knew exactly why, they wanted you to talk to Jack, maybe even get back together with him. Well some of them anyway.

"Yes Jack?" You sighed, holding the door open for him.

"Thank-you, and I'll pay for your drink." He went to grab money from his wallet as he walked in front of you.

"It's not necessary, I can pay for myself, but thank-you anyway." You told him.

"What can I get you?" The Starbucks worker asked.

"I'll take a medium caramel iced latte." You told her, she nodded.

"And I'll take a large caramel frappuccino."

"That'll be six dollars and fifteen cents." 

"Take my money not hers."  Jack handed her the money before you could even grab your purse. She looked at the pair of you and began to smile.

"You really are a great couple." She said tapping her screen.

"How do you know we're a couple?" You asked.

"I know who you two are. You're Jack Avery from the band Why Don't We, and you're Y/N, a student at FIT university and a you-tuber with like ten million subscribers." She laughed handing the money back over to you.

"I don't want your money, my brothers love you guys." She said writing your names down on the cups and handing them to her colleague to make them.

"We have to pay, it's the least we can do." Jack insisted shoving the money over the counter, but only shoved it back again.

"There's one thing I ask." She started off, you both nodded.

"Can we Face-time them. Right now they are at home because school knocked off early and they can screen record the call or something?" She asked and of course you agreed. After the Face-time call, you grabbed your drinks and headed out again.

"They were so sweet." Jack smiled.

"Agreed." You were so great-full for the supporters you did have and how much they loved and looked up to you.

"Where do you wanna go now?" Jack asked, trailing in front of you.

"I have no idea where the others went, but I don't mind, you chose." You told him, taking a sip of your drink. He looked back over at you.

"I'm not bothered but if you're letting me choose, I'll take the lead." Jack said. You nodded, following him. He was about to head up the escalators but you noticed the stall with many souvenirs on it. You had always purchased something from it every time you were there.

"You do this every single time." Jack started laughing, walking after you. The familiar faces gentlemen who worked on the stall recognised you.

"Back again! It's been forever!" He laughed.

"I love my souvenirs." You grinned, picking out a bunch of magnets and key-rings as well as a few postcards.

"Do you really need that many items?" Jack asked. It was true, you had literally taken the whole shelf.

"I'm gonna get some for the girls back in New York, considering I'm not going back." You didn't mean to sound so harsh, but the truth hurts. Jack shut his mouth completely.

"Well I would say this is around twenty-five dollars but because I've seen you around a lot , I'll reduce prices. So that'll be ten dollars please." The man smiled. You handed him the money and he put your gifts in a bag. Jack didn't look impressed.

"I don't know why you're so angry. He had a wedding ring on." You sighed.

"Right, now you have the entire souvenir section. Let's take the escalator." Jack walked ahead. The pair of you ended up at a table and chairs.

"Now we're alone, we seriously need to talk." Jack started off.

"If this is about us getting back together.." You mumbled but he cut you off.

"Just hear me out Y/N."

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