Chapter 20 - Phone-Call

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Jack spent the night wide awake and he cursed to himself when he saw the sun come up. Corbyn and willingly taken Jacks bed while you shared with Christina. Jonah was the first awake so it was difficult for him to go downstairs and get his morning coffee while Jack was there. Jack had bags under his bloodshot eyes.

"Jonah?" Jack called out while Jonah walked past him. His eyebrows raised and he turned around.

"Look, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I know you're gonna think it's just lies, but we're brothers okay? I understand how much of an absolute idiot I have been and I can't lose you as well." Jack sighed, rubbing his tired eyes. Jonah wasn't one to hold grudges.

"I forgive you bro, but what you've done to Y/N won't be forgotten. We're all changing Jack, every single day, and the change you're going through isn't nice. Just sort it out. I can't believe you kissed Aspen last night, especially after what's just happened." Jonah sighed, sitting down next to the curly-headed boy.

"I wasn't thinking straight, I never think straight." He whispered back.

"Just let it all sink it and then you will think straight. I get that you're feeling hurt, I get it. But Y/N, damn Jack, when she was hurt, and believe me she is still hurting, she never once flirted let alone made out with another guy. All of this happened in just a few days." Jonah told him. 

"Hurt is an understatement Jonah, I feel like I once had everything and now it's completely gone." Jack felt the tears sting his eyes once again, now he started to feel how you felt.

"You only have yourself to blame for that. Think about how Y/N felt every single time you upset her." Jonah spoke the truth and then went to make his coffee. Jack felt numb, but there was nothing he could do. You and Daniel were the next ones awake.

"You've only got three more days left Y/N, what are we gonna do?" Daniel asked, opening the curtains lightly so that Tyler, Zach and Christina would stay asleep. 

"I wanna do a meet and greet." You yawned, nor really realizing what you were saying.

"We can make that happen, where do you wanna do it?" He asked, getting his phone out and ready.

"The Grove, tomorrow at lets say 2pm. There will be no need for money or tickets, but like a mini stage setup and safe barriers for everyone to queue so no-one gets hurt, oh and a set of microphones so you five can perform." You carried on. Daniel nodded.

"Sounds great, I'll get that sorted for you." He smiled and headed downstairs. You grabbed your phone and before you could even start going through social media, David was calling you. You answered it.

"Hello Y/N?" He said through the phone.

"Hi David." You gritted your teeth, not anxious of what he was going to say but slightly annoyed that he was brought into another situation that you thought could be handled without him.

"Aspen came home last night in tears, now I've heard her side of the story, do you want to tell me yours?" He didn't sound happy. You waved a hand through your hair and slowly went down the stairs. 

"What exactly did she tell you?" You asked. When you saw Jack, you almost dropped your phone at how tired and depressed he looked.

"She told me that she made a huge mistake, and that she couldn't believe how nasty she's been to you." You let out a sigh, you didn't even know if she was being genuine to her father. You didn't say anything.

"What was that mistake Y/N?" He asked again.

"David, as you are probably aware, Jack and I are no longer in a relationship." You told him, and it sounded like he had spat his drink out.

"Sorry, I must've heard you wrong? You're not together!" He sounded quite upset by that thought.

"Yeah, we're not a thing as of two days ago. Anyway, yesterday Aspen and Jack were making out in the hallway and for the past year, she never really liked me and I guess she proved that by making mean remarks every-time she saw me." You told him.

"Well I'm rather disappointed in her for that and I'm very sorry about what has happened between you and Jack. She also told me that you nearly punched her, but didn't so thank-you for not letting anger get the best of you and that you were permanently staying in New York and never coming back. Y/N for the sake of yourself, don't make the wrong decision. If I don't see you before, think wisely and have a safe flight." And with that he ended the call. 

"Was he mad?" Jonah questioned, making a coffee for you as well.

"Quite the opposite. Aspen told him everything, so I'm kinda glad she was honest, but I don't think I can ever be best buddies with her if you know what I mean?" You told him.

"Understood, now Daniel told me you want us to perform at your late-notice meet and greet." He laughed, you nodded.

"Well of course we will, but I would like let your fans know, so that they don't make plans and can't attend." Jonah said.

"Good idea." You tweeted out  the information, glad that Daniel had managed to sort out the plan you had wanted. 

"We're gonna need security, like a tonne of them." You told Daniel and once again he was typing away on his phone.

"All sorted." He smiled.

"Thank-you Dani." You jokingly blew a kiss and he pretended to catch it with his hand. You managed to drink half of your coffee before Tyler was down the stairs.

"I assume you were the one speaking loudly on the phone?" He teased also making himself a drink. You rolled your eyes and headed out to the backyard where you could see the city of Los Angeles waking up. 

"I talked to him this morning." Jonah came and sat with you.

"And before you go all wide eyed on me, we are civil and bro's again. I just wanted to let you know." He carried on.

"I'm glad, you two were brothers from the very start anyway." 

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