Chapter 24 - Shawn Peter Raul Mendes

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Eventually your meet and greet was over, and everyone had left. You headed backstage, noticing everyone you had arrived with plus Shawn, this time without his sister. Jacks face lit up when he saw you but soon frowned when he saw you turn and talk to Shawn.

"You are honestly incredible." He breathed out, unexpectedly wrapping his arms around you, making you laugh.

"Thank-you Shawn, I try my hardest. Where did Aaliyah go?" You asked him, grabbing a bottle of water from the collection on the side. 

"My manager came and got her on the tour bus, today was my day off and when Aaliyah and I saw your tweet we had to come here and meet you. I understand that we've been at the same award shows and other events but I never formally introduced myself." He told you. 

"I'm sorry half your day was wasted, queuing up to see this." You pointed to your now messy and once curly hair, making him giggle.

"I queued up for you, not what you look like silly." He smiled, making your cheeks suddenly redden. You quickly looked over at Christina who just winked at you whereas the others were shell-shocked that you were talking to Shawn Mendes.

"So Shawn, tell me about you?" You asked him. He sat down on one of the boxes to the equipment and you sat beside him.

"Well Y/N, I'm currently on my second album tour, my full name is Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, I have one sister only and I was born and raised in Canada, now you?" He spoke.

"I am a current student at FIT university in New York, I have an incredibly huge and supporting fan base, my sister sadly passed away a few years back, my family sorta disowned me when I had to move to my grandmothers house in Pennsylvania with my younger brother when I was two." You admitted, and his eyebrows raised in concern.

"I'm so sorry." His hand went to his mouth.

"Yeah, my brother was five months old when my mom just told us to leave. He's seventeen now and my grandma, I freaking love her, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have a career or even a home." You carried on.

"She sounds like a wonderful women." He said, making you smile.

"She really is, and her muffins are amazing." Shawn's jaw dropped at the mention of muffins.

"Holy cow, I love muffins." He burst out, making you laugh. Jacks face was filled with pure anger when he looked over at you and Christina even smacked him on the head, retelling him that you weren't together. 

"Well Shawn, I don't know when I'll next see you, but here's my number." You wrote down your number on the spare set-list that was on the floor and gave it to him.

"I'll text you Y/N, it was great meeting you. I don't get a break till next month after today, but we'll talk." He grinned, and you nodded.

"I'll see you around Mendes." He reached down and gave you a kiss to the cheek, before heading off. You went over to the others, where you were awarded with hugs from everyone but Jack.

"That was awesome Y/N." Aspen smiled at you.

"Thank-you Aspen, it means a lot." You smiled.

"So, you and Shawn Mendes eh Y/N?" David jokingly shoved your shoulder with his arm. The thing is, not only did Jack look at him angrily, but so did Tyler, Daniel and Jonah. You weren't surprised with Jack and Jonah, but if Tyler and Daniel felt the same way Jonah did towards you, things were gonna be difficult.

"Not you guys as well." Corbyn face-palmed.

"What are you talking about Corbyn?" Zach asked. The four of them were completely avoiding eye contact.

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