Chapter 12 - Mama Stanford

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"That was the best food I've eaten in a long time." You sighed in defeat, not being able to eat anymore.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Kristin grinned taking away the dishes. Everyone began making small talk but you went to help her like the polite girl you were. She didn't notice you until she saw you putting a couple of plates in the dishwasher.

"Y/N, you don't have to do that." She scolded.

"I insist, you can't just clean everything up on your own." You told her, she nodded in defeat and you continued. Eventually the kitchen looked cleaner then before and you both headed into the backyard.

"So how have you been? It's been months Y/N." She asked you, while taking a seat on one of the garden chairs.

"I'm sorry I didn't come and visit sooner,  and I'm doing quite well, what about you?" You asked doing the same.

"Just keeping up to date with all of you on social media and thinking of Isla's birthday." The thought of her growing up more and more terrified the life out of all of you.

"I cannot believe it's nearly been nine years, it feels like yesterday when Jack and I were on our way to the hospital to come and meet her." You frowned.

"It's scary, my youngest baby is growing up. We've decided to go out for a meal on her actual birthday though while you and Jack are here to celebrate." Kristin told you. 

"Jack left me to my own devices while getting her presents, so I'll also take her shopping so she can buy what she wants before we have to go again." You admitted, she laughed.

"She will love doing that. Isla loves you Y/N, every single day, it's when are we going to see Y/N again or we need to FaceTime Y/N soon." Your heart warmed, she was like a sister and she meant the world to you.

"Bless her little heart. We've gotta make this birthday the best one." You smiled.

"You say that every year sweet-heart, and every year it always ends up being ten times better then the one before." It was true, you tried to make all of Jack's sisters had the best birthday's and presents because they meant so much to you. 

"I do my best. Who's going to the meal?" You asked, she looked slightly worried.

"Listen Y/N, I love you like a daughter, I always have and I always will. It will be you and I, Isla, Jack, Sydnie, Ava, Darrin and Aspen." She whispered the last name, but you heard it. Now you had no problems with Aspen but you did get jealous of how much affection she showed your boyfriend, but you respected that she was coming to celebrate Isla's birthday just like she did for Reese.

"Mama Stanford, as much as it kills me when she hopelessly flirts with him, but at the end of the day, Jack is my boyfriend and he's here for Isla. Just like I'm here, I respect that she's coming, I mean I don't have to be best buddies with her." You admitted and almost instantly she hugged you.

"I'm not over how much you've grown up over the years Y/N, a few years ago you would've raged. All you have to do it tell me when you're uncomfortable and we can go take a breather." She reassured you.

"Thank-you, when does she get here?" You asked out of curiosity.

"Well her flight leaves early tomorrow morning, and then she'll be here tomorrow night. Then she'll be leaving just after we finish Isla's meal, which is in two days." You had a sigh of relief.

"So she's only here for literally a day? Where is she staying?" You kept asking questions.

"In a hotel down the street." She chuckled.

"Bubby?" You heard a little voice from behind you. You turned around and saw a sleepy Isla in her pj's.

"Yes my gorgeous?" You asked, she waddled over to you and you put her on your lap. Her head immediately went to your shoulder.

"It's been a bust day for you Isla Rose." You whispered.

"I woke up so early because I was excited, I'm glad you're home Y/N." She yawned.

"I love you honey." You kissed her forehead.

"I love you too." And that's all you heard before she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Kristin snapped a photo without you knowing and posted on Instagram, captioning it 'Isla and her Bubby'.

"Right, I'm gonna take her to bed." You got up carefully, not wanting to wake her up. 

"Okay sweetie." She rubbed your shoulder and the pair of you headed back into the house. Everyone silenced when they saw Isla asleep in your arms. You tucked her into her bed, placing a soft kiss to her cheek. When you left you went back into Jack's old room, he must've come up the stairs straight after you.

"That was probably the cutest thing I've seen all day." He admitted, switching his gaming console on.

"She's missed me, what can I say?" You joked.

"Have you wrapped the presents yet?" He asked. You shook your head, going downstairs to go and get them.

"She's gonna love them." Ava squealed noticing the multiple unicorn themed items and play makeup you had purchased.

"I hope so. Does your mom have any wrapping paper?" Ava nodded and within seconds was back again, with sellotape and scissors as well.

"Thank-you. I'm probably gonna go to bed after wrapping these, so goodnight everyone." You announced to everyone downstairs. Ava and Sydnie hugged you and so did Kristin.

"I'm glad you're here with us." Kristin whispered.

"Me too." You smiled, slowly heading back up the stairs again. Jack was playing on his game.

"Babe, she's literally gonna love you for them." Jacks mouth dropped.

"I mean she's gonna love us, considering we both put money towards them and when were you gonna tell me Aspen was coming?" You asked, settling down on the floor and starting to wrap. Jack paused his game, took off his headset and sat down opposite you.

"How'd you find out?" He asked.

"Your mom and I were talking. Jack, I'm not bothered, but please, don't let allow her to be all over you again. I am not arguing with you especially on your baby sisters ninth birthday." You told him.

"I will keep my distance, I promise. To be honest, I didn't know she was coming till yesterday morning when David text me." 

"It's fine, now lets wrap these and get some sleep, I'm so tired." 

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