Chapter 41 - Days To Remember, A Life To Never Forget (Final Chapter)

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"Y/N can we go get some food?" Christina rubbed her belly to emphasise her question.

"We can go get some snacks from the store." You told her, grabbing your purse and standing up.

"Does anyone want anything from the store? You asked, everybody was too busy tanning and listening to the music that the beach was playing through the speakers on the lifeguard deck.

"I take that as a no then." You whispered to yourself. It felt like the millionth time that you had walked the same trail just to get somewhere.

"Oh my god is that Y/N?" You heard a voice behind you. Christina shot you a look as if to say 'seriously', so you carried on walking. That was until three boys were in front of you, blocking you from walking any further.

"Can I help you?" You asked, something about them looked familiar.

"Do you mind if we take a picture? I'm Colby, and these two guys are my friends Sam and Corey." One of them said.

"And we're also youtubers that look up to your channel." The other one said. You couldn't really say no, especially since they were fans of yours, plus they were really hot.

"Of course." Then another guy came up but you didn't know who he was.

"I'm with these guys, I'm Elton." He shook both yours and Christina's hands politely.

"So do you want me to take the pictures?" Christina sighed.

"Of course not Christina, we want you in them." Sam told her and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. Elton took the pictures.

"Thankyou for stopping, we'll see you around." Corey smiled and they all waved you off.

"I swear I've seen them on something that wasn't YouTube." Christina muttered as you entered the shop. After thinking and thinking, you realised.

"They're from vine." You told her.

"Oh yeah! That's where I know them." She grabbed multiple snacks. Once you checked out your items, it was yet another stroll back to the group.

"This is starting to annoy me!" You threw snacks at everyone like the nice person you were.

"Y/N, do you want a drink?" Taylor asked while you settled back down on your towel.

"I'm not twenty one just yet." You knew he was referring to alcohol.

"You're twenty one somewhere." He laughed.

"Fine go get a few." You rolled your eyes. This obviously wasn't a good idea and by peoples faces, you knew you probably shouldn't be drinking. But, you did.

"Thankyou Caniff." You raised the shot and drunk it, despite it only nearing 12pm. A lot of them decided to go down into the water, leaving you with the Why Don't We boys and Taylor, who you were happily drinking with.

"Don't you think that's enough Y/N? It's just past noon." Tyler asked, concerned of the nine shots you had taken in just minutes. Taylor stopped at three, not wanting to get too drunk.

"It's never enough bam bam." You did another. Taylor felt stupid for even persuading you to drink.

"He's right Y/N, calm down." Taylor told you. A wave of sickness rocked your body but you kept together. It hadn't even been half an hour and you were already very drunk.

"Enough Y/N!" Jack shouted, grabbing the next shot out of your hand and pouring it onto the sand. He shouted so loud, that the beach sort of silenced and everyone looked at you.

"You're not the goddamn boss of me Jack. You never were and you certainly never will be." You hissed.

"I did it for your own good. You don't need to drink so much." He groaned.

"Reality check, you're not my boyfriend anymore so you can't tell me what to do." You shoved him away from you. You stood up and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked, following after you.

"As far away from you as possible Jack." You continued walking.

"Not on your own your not." He carried on being protective and you were getting irritated and annoyed, he was pushing your buttons and you knew you were about to blow if he kept on going.

"Well I'm certainly not going with you." He grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to face him.

"Get the fuck off of me Jack! Seriously, leave me alone. Because of you, we are done. Maybe if you had considered my feelings for once in our whole relationship, I wouldn't be stood here, drunk off of my head, shouting at you at a public beach. You see, the difference between me and you is that I don't move on that quickly. So go, go and flirt and have sex with every hot girl you see. Tomorrow is meant to be our wedding day, ironic how it's gonna be the day I vow to never see your face again." You breathed out.

"And as for all of you that thought I broke Jack apart." You pointed to those who thought that.

"You never got to see the real demon he is. Whether I'm drunk or not. None of you experienced the verbal abuse like I did and got forbid you never will. I'm done. I'm leaving Hawaii. I never thought I'd have to say goodbye, but sometimes, a goodbye is what you need." And with that you ran off. Well, tried to run, but ending up walking because you felt so dizzy.

That was the last you ever saw of the Why Don't We boys and their families. You saw Christina a lot, she was your best friend after all.

Logan wasn't happy with you, which then made his mom, dad, brother and the rest of Team Ten, dislike you.

The Magcon boys had always known the crap you had been put through so they continued to be supportive and be some of the best friends you could ever ask for.

Every Tuesday, you visited Kyler and Mad to see them and the twins, and they didn't love you any less.

Your Mar got the all clear for Cancer and now goes around different states, talking about her story and how she overcame her illness.

Mitchell decided the Armed Forces wasn't for him and decided to pursue his career of being a guitarist, which then lead to him singing, which of course lead to a world tour.

And finally, you. Your fans were extremely supportive of some of the stupid yet wise decisions you made, however you did find yourself living in Calabasas, in your mansion, with your best friends and three new puppies.

Moving on, was the right decision and if Jack really loved you, why'd he break you?

The End

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