Chapter 19 - Punch In The Face

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You thought to soon. When you turned the corner into the kitchen, there she was, glumly looking around, curling her hair through her fingers.

"She's practically breaking an entering, we told her to leave and she refused." Daniel told you.

"You do realise I'm right in front of you and can hear what you're saying?" Aspen rolled her eyes.

"We're well aware darling." You fake smiled at her, causing her to stomp her foot. When Jack came through and saw her, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"You know she never hated you right? You've brought this whole argumentative characteristic up on your own Aspen, and it's not cool. So please, for the sake of my well being, be nice." Jack warned her, she nodded.

"Of course Jack, I mean it's not as if she hasn't slept with every male in this house." You choked on air, getting red in the face from being furious.

"How dare you?!" You shouted, it took her back. No one in this house had really seen you really angry before.

"I'll have you know there was one boy in this house I have ever been with! And that's the boy you tried to take away from me Aspen!" You took a few steps forward and she stepped back.

"Calm down Y/N." Tyler tried to pull you back but you ignored him.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you went for the Seavey boys either." She snickered, but her face soon changed when your fists clenched.

"You have the nerve!" You screamed and as you went to hit her, Christina pulled you back.

"She's not worth it, you're not like this Y/N, you're not aggressive. Go and calm down. Now." She has both her hands on either side of your upper arms.

"I've never wanted to hit someone before. What the hell?" You whispered, slightly ashamed of yourself. Of course you were angry at Aspen, but the fact you'd thought about risking your whole career just to punch her, that certainly wasn't you. You went to the end of the backyard, and took in the view of the city lights shining through the night.

"Be careful you don't fall." Jonah walked over to you.

"Jonah please, I'm not in the mood to socialise." You told him but of course he wasn't listening.

"Y/N, I get it. Things are gonna be awkward between us because of my stupid goddamn feelings. But believe me when I say that I care. Okay? Even when no one wants to listen, I will." He reassured you.

"Thanks. I know you mean no harm, but I honestly cannot bare to think I've upset you while I'm going though a breakup." You told him.

"I understand, just remember what I said." He patted your shoulder and went back inside. You stayed out side for a little over fifteen minutes and then went back in.

"Daniel what's wrong?" You panicked, noticing the sad and distraught look on the musicians face.

"I don't think I can tell you." He rushed, speeding away from you. You went round the corner to see what had got him so worried and what you saw crushed your heart even more.

"Congratulations." Your voice cracked. Jack pulled away from Aspen.

"Y/N-" Jack started, but you cut him off.

"I genuinely thought for once in your life you could've been honest. It's been one day Jack. I'm glad you and Aspen don't want privacy when you're making out in the goddamn hallway. Oh and Aspen?" You called to her, she looked up, this time no smirk appeared on her face, she was genuinely listening.

"As hard as it is, I'm sorry for nearly hitting you and good luck to whatever you two are. I wouldn't be surprised if he crushes your heart and makes you suffer with trust issues." You told her, walking away from them. You couldn't cry, obviously. You were the one who cut things at the end of the day.

"I understand that you're just trying to protect me." You whispered to Jonah, his face dropped when he saw your emotional state, and wrapped his arms around you.

"Don't sweat it. You'll be okay." He whispered back. The rest of the night was pretty silent. David would obviously be on the phone to you as soon as Aspen got home and she left a few minutes ago.

"I hope you're prepared for a conversation with him." Zach came and sat next to you on the couch.

"It's fine. I'll be gone for good in four days anyway." You told him.

"You're still gonna come see us on your and stuff right? Your motivation is what keeps us pumped on stage." He got excited just thinking about performing.

"We'll have to see Zach, everything's gonna change and nothing will be the same." Zachs eyes widened at the thought of you not being there.

"You're really not gonna come back here?" His voice was lower then a whisper, that you just about heard.

"There's a ninety eight percent chance that I'm not coming back to LA." You sighed.

"You can't do that Y/N! This band needs you. We all need you!" He shouted. The household all rushed in when they heard him shouting.

"It'll be better for everyone. Especially Jack and Aspen, they can be whatever they want to be without me being here to interrupt." You tried to hug him, but he shrugged you off.

"You!" Zach pointed at Jack, you turned around and saw them all standing there.

"Because of you, this house is losing the one person it needed. Because of you, Y/N doesn't wanna be here anymore. You don't even know what you've done dude." Zach groaned, running up the stairs and slamming his bedroom door shut.

"I'll go check on him." Corbyn said but Christina stopped him.

"He needs a minute. Give him some time to think." She told him, he nodded and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"He wouldn't need time, if it wasn't for you breaking her apart." Tyler pointed at you and walked upstairs. Soon everyone left the front-room and Jack was left in self pity on his own.

"This is all my fault." He sat on the sofa, in the dark, on his own, thinking about everything he had ruined.

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