Chapter 27 - Dallas

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The plan switched and it ended up being you to drive the whole way to Dallas. You did take breaks so that your tiredness didn't overtake when you were driving. Jack and Kristin had swapped seats every-time you had stopped in a gas station. 

"Isla look!" You heard Ava tell her sister as you drove into Dallas. A sigh or relief escaped all of the adult's mouths as they read the street signs. It must have been pure luck when you saw the boys' tour bus parked on the side of the street, with a tonne of fans surrounding the outside of hotel on the street.

"Well, I found the hotel." You announced, stopping at the red light.

"I'm gonna have to go to the parking lot, which is under the hotel?" You questioned, looking at the signs for parking with confusion.

"Jack honey, call the boys and tell them we're here." Kristin told him. You turned right into the hotel and a guard knocked on your window before you could go any further. Due to your blacked out windows, the fans didn't recognize your car but as soon as your window was rolled down, they all came rushing over.

"Y/N and Jack we love you!" They screamed.

"M'am, security are on their way down and they will block any fans from coming into the hotel, and they will be needed for your own safety." He informed you, you nodded and he moved out of the way, but you were to scared to drive forward in case you were gonna run someone over, and your mood was bad anyway because you were tired.

"Guys, for your own safety, please move away from the car." You told them, but none of them listened, except for one girl, who saw the tiredness and annoyance in your eyes and took the situation into her own hands. 

"Everyone! Show some respect, Y/N has just driven all the way from LA and I'm pretty sure sh doesn't want you to get run over! Move out of the way." She shouted and they all moved. You smiled at her which she appreciated and you headed into the parking lot.

"Why does there have to be so many goddamn cars?" Jack groaned while you drove around trying to find a parking space. 

"What time is the show tonight?" Isla asked her big brother, he quickly had to get the schedule up.

"Six thirty, but we're gonna get there for five thirty to get everything ready." He told her. You managed to find a space and after what felt like forever, you switched your car off and took the key.

"Finally." You whispered, getting out and grabbing suitcases. Someone tapped your shoulder and when you turned around it was Tyler, Daniel and Jonah and you didn't want to punch yourself in the face as much as you did in that very moment. 

"We're not here to be jealous and to hopelessly crush on you." Jonah admitted. Jack took Isla and Ava into the hotel after saying hi, leaving you with the three boys and Kristin.

"Look Y/N, we get it, you're always gonna love Jack and it would be completely against the bro code if we even tried to hit on you." Daniel told you.

"And we respect that you will most probably be a couple again, which is fine, we just hate seeing you hurt. Anyway, what we're trying to say is that we're sorry for making you feel awkward and upset, we never intended on doing that." Tyler finished off.

"I think this is where you all hug each other." Kristin announced making you all laugh, but of course you did. They took your suitcases and you followed them through the back way. Once you reached the lobby you saw Jack and his younger sisters. 

"Right I can take this from here." You told Daniel, reaching over and grabbing your suitcases from him.

"How may I help you today?" The receptionist asked. 

"We have rooms booked under the name Avery." You told him, he nodded, searching through his computer.

"Okay so we have one room with a double bed and a single and then another room with a king-size." He told you, and you wanted to punch Jack at how he had arranged the rooms when he booked the hotel, but you just went with it.

"Yes please." He handed you over the key-cards.

"You're on the sixth floor, along with the rest of his band. Have a great day and be sure to call if you need anything." He smiled.

"Thank-you sir." Jack had a slight smirk on his face, which you jokingly ignored and walked straight to the elevator.

"Isla, press number six." You told her. You handed Kristin her key.

"Right kids, you get the double bed and momma gets the single bed." She frowned making them giggle. When the doors opened, Isla and Ava rushed to find their room.

"I'll see you two in a while." Kristin went into her room. When Jack opened the door to both of your rooms, it was very spacious. 

"You really had to get a king-size?" You questioned, falling face first onto the ever so comfy mattress. Jack had a grin on his face and opened the balcony door, laughing when he saw Zach and Corbyn on the opposite side.

"Hey guys." You spoke up from behind Jack, they both looked up with guilty faces.

"We're so sorry." They started off, but you immediately cut them off. 

"Don't sweat it guys, it's fine. Lets just have fun on this tour and forget about all the negativity." You told them which made them smile.

"You're the best." Zach laughed. You headed back into your room and got a choice of clothes out to chose for tonight.

"Babe, where something like super nice." Jack had his hands on your waist from behind.

"You know, you haven't properly asked me to be your girlfriend again, how do you know I still wanna be called babe?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. He got down on one knee.

"Y/N Y/L/N, will you please be my girlfriend again?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"Of course." You whispered, he stood up and kissed you. Before it could get any further then an intense make-out, you pulled away and continued choosing an outfit.

"Why do I have to wear something super nice?" You asked him again, and he looked slightly worried but shrugged it off when you saw it.

"Just trust me." He told you.

"Okay, I guess I'll wear this, or that, oh my god, I have nothing to wear." You groaned, tossing clothes everywhere.

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