Chapter 11 - Airplanes

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The pair of you said your goodbyes and soon enough you were boarding your flight.

"We have a five hour flight ahead of us, so I'm probably gonna sleep the whole thing." You told Jack, resting your head on his shoulder while you waited in line to get on the airplane.

"I wouldn't doubt for one minute you'd be awake anyway." He laughed. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your lower back.

"Can I help you?" You asked, and then you realised the younger boy had some of your merch on it.

"Mom! It's her!" He smiled, slightly intimidated by how much taller you were to him.

"Hey there." You grinned reaching down and hugging him.

"He adores you Y/N, every single day the house is filled with your vlogs and main channel videos." His mom chuckled.

"I'm glad you love my stuff! What's your favourite one?" You asked him and he put a serious thinking face on.

"I love that one you did with Jack when you went to help out the poorly animals at the shelter." He grinned. Jack bent down to his height.

"That's one of my favourites to." He admitted. You took a few pictures with him and then went to take a seat.

"He was so cute." You screeched, Jack laughed at you and took a boomerang from the airplane window.

"I'm gonna watch a couple of movies, wanna watch one with me?" Jack asked, but when he turned around, you were already asleep.

"I'm not surprised." He laughed to himself. After five hours of flying, you had reached your destination and Jack was shaking you awake.

"Baby, we're here." He told you. Slowly your eyes opened.

"I'm glad. I've freaking missed this place." You admitted. The pair of you exited the aircraft as quickly as possible and went to baggage claim. It was a sigh of relief when your suitcases where the first ones on the conveyor belt.

"Let's go!" Your spare hand grabbed Jacks. The exit doors where just in front and you were more then excited.

"Bubby!" Your head turned and you saw Isla running towards you. You dropped your bags and lifted her up, hugging her as tight as you could.

"I've missed you so much Isla Rose." Your voice was muffled as her hair was all over the place.

"I missed you more, I got a whole new set of barbies since you last came." She pulled away with a big smile.

"I cannot wait to play them with you! Go say hi to Jacky, he's also missed you a lot!" You told her. She nodded and ran over to Jack while Sydnie came over to you.

"Long time no see Syd." You laughed and she wrapped her arms around your neck.

"It's about time we saw each other again. It feels like years." She told you.

"I know, we're here for five days so we're gonna make the most of every minute." You said, she nodded and walked over to Jack. Ava didn't even say anything but you could tell by the emotional look on her face that she had missed you dearly. You had certainly missed the family. Finally it was Kristin.

"Life here is so different without you and Jack, honestly Y/N, I've completely missed your company. I'm glad to have you back for a few days." She frowned at the fact it was only a short visit but soon smiled when you cut her off with a hug. She quickly went over Jack and Isla came back to you.

"I'm so happy you're back right now!" She have you another hug.

"Right, I'm sure you two are sick of airports now so let's get you home." Kristin announced.

"Obviously we wouldn't all fit in one car so I drove Jacks car." Sydnie told you.

"Okay, so Y/N, Jack and Isla in one car and Sydnie, Ava and I in the other." You all agreed to that plan and headed out of the airport. Jack slowed down slightly.

"I take it we're not gonna tell them about everything that's happened." Jack said.

"Would we ever? We can't keep thinking back to what happened. It's over now. Let's just enjoy our time here while we can." You told him.

"That's a good idea." Sydnie handed the car keys over to Jack and you put the suitcases in.

"Seatbelts on everybody." You announced, taking your place in the passenger seat. It wasn't a long drive back to the house but the journey was mainly a carpool karaoke.

"And we're home." Jack whispered to himself as he pulled into the driveway.  Isla raced out of the car and straight into the house where the others already were. 

"There will  be no arguments, what so ever okay?" Jack took the keys out of the ignition and kissed your lips.

"I believe you." You sighed getting out of the car. He grabbed the suitcases and you headed into the house. The smell of fabreeze and food hit your nose as you took your shoes off. When you looked at the wall, you noticed pictures of yourself and the rest of Jack's family.

"That ones the best one." Kristin appeared from the door, pointing at the picture of you, her, Ava, Isla and Sydnie. 

"I'm gonna need a copy of that one, that was on Jacks sixteenth." You laughed, noticing the silly faces you were all pulling. 

"It's been a long time since you came here Y/N. There's frames of you and Jack everywhere in this house. There's one of you and Isla in her room when you held her the day she was born." She grinned.

"Holy cow, I remember that day as if it was yesterday." You headed through the house and into the kitchen where Jack was feasting on the snacks.

"Of course you're eating all of our snacks." Ava sassed, stealing the mini bread roll out of his hand and eating it for herself. He sat there with an annoyed face and his arms were crossed over his chest.

"Get over it you big baby, we've only been back for two minutes." You joked making everyone else laugh. It sure was good being back in Pennsylvania. 

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