Chapter 30 - Nothing Wrong

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Jack grew concerned while he waited for you so he decided to come back in and get you. You however, were just stood there in disbelief, looking at the messages Shawn and spammed you with.

"What's wrong baby cakes?" Your head snapped up at your fiancee.

"How am I supposed to answer this?" You asked him, handing over your phone. Jacks eyes grew in confusion and he gave it back.

"Just be honest Y/N, he doesn't need your time of day, so just tell him the truth." Jack told you. You sent a reply.

Shawn, please don't let anything I do ruin a budding friendship. Jack looks up to you as an artist, believe me, we can be friends, and I'm sorry you had to find out through television what events have occurred.

You locked your phone and followed Jack and the security guard out of the building. Everyone was waiting for you in the bus so you say in between your grandmother and Kristin.

"What's wrong darling?" Your man squeezed your cheeks.

"There's nothing wrong Mar. I'm just speechless right now." You told her. She grabbed your hand and once again admired the beautiful engagement ring.

"Where do you want to get married?" Kristin asked and it really got you thinking.

"Honestly, I have no idea. Pennsylvania would be the ideal place but California would be quite nice or maybe even somewhere exotic like Hawaii." You told her. That's when Jack decided to intervene into the conversation.

"Hawaii would be so magical." He grinned, receiving a flick to the ear from his mom.

"Don't butt in sweetie. Hawaii would be quite a cool destination I must admit." She nodded, looking quite impressed. Once you got back to the hotel, your feet were ready to fall off.

"Take your shoes off babe." Jack told you in the lobby as the others went off and up into their rooms.

"I'm not walking bare foot." You crossed your arms over your chest and pouted like a toddler. Jack rolled his eyes and bent down in front of you.

"I'll carry you back." He ushered for you to jump on which you gladly agreed to. It wasn't long before you were back in your own room, sighing at how much of a state you had left it in.

"Hawaii really does sound magical bub." You whispered in his ear while he unlocked the door to your room. Jack placed you on the bed and carefully took your shoes off.

"It's a definite consideration, when do you wanna get married?" He asked suddenly, grabbing you some PJ's from your suitcase and passing them over to you.

"A wedding just seems so incredible, I mean as soon as everything calms down we can think about a date. Christina can definitely help while we're on the road." You grinned but when you remembered, you wanted to cry.

"Hey, don't cry beautiful, what's wrong?" Jack rushed over to you. You rested your head on his shoulder.

"I have to go back to New York next weekend." You whispered and Jack tensed up next to you.

"It's okay Y/N." Jack wrapped his arm around your shoulder but you just shook your head.

"No Jack it's not. I hate being an adult and above all the stress I receive from my classes anyway sucks and now I have to plan a wedding, an engagement party, a girls night out, a honeymoon." You kept listing everything.

"Calm down, just stop. You're putting this pressure on yourself so chill for a second. Now, I think you're forgetting that your course finishes in a month." Jack reminded you.

"Which means I have to spend another month away from you Jack. It's hard enough being away from you for a week let alone a goddamn month." You groaned, removing his arm and lifting the duvet up to your neck. Jack sighed. He put his sweat-pants on and took off his t-shirt before climbing into bed with you.

"You'll be with Christina for the majority of the time babe, and the other girls meaning you have time to plan the girls night out." Jack kept going.

"And what about the engagement? What about the wedding? What about the honeymoon?" You kept asking. Jack laughed at your silliness.

"If it's worrying you that much, we'll plan what we can while we're together for the next week. That includes the wedding and the honeymoon." Jack told you. You nodded.

"We can get married in Hawaii and then have our honeymoon in the Caribbean?" Jack suggested and he smiled when he saw your face light up.

"That's perfect." You muttered, Jack got his phone and started looking for resorts and wedding venues.

"Despite getting engaged less then a few hours ago, I'm super excited for this. Wedding planning is fun." You giggled.

"Right I say we get married on our anniversary." Jack told you and your eyes widened.

"Honey, that's in three months." You gasped.

"Like you said, the sooner the better. Plus nana Edith got engaged and then married three days later." He told you.

"Well that literally gives me no time to prepare for anything. I need a dress, I need to get bridesmaids, holy shit." You grumbled.

"Why don't you make a list of people for the invites, and I'll arrange the venue and honeymoon once I know how many people are coming. And are you sure you don't want to keep it minimal, for less stress?" Jack asked you.

"I mean everything would be calmer without bridesmaids and stuff but leave that part to me." You told him, and he nodded. You reached for your phone and began writing names on your notes.

Jonah Marais
Daniel Seavey
Corbyn Besson
Zach Herron
Christina Marie
Edith Y/L/N
Mitchell Y/L/N
Kristin Stanford
Darrin Stanford
Ava Stanford
Isla-Rose Stanford
Sydnie Avery
Chad James
Tyler Seavey
Logan Paul
David Loeffler
Aspen Loeffler
Grayson Dolan
Ethan Dolan
Aaron Carpenter
Christian Delgrosso
Nash Grier
Hayes Grier
Kristen McGowan

"I'm thinking these people." You showed him the list and he nodded.

"How many is that exactly babe?" He asked you.

"26, including us two." You told him. He typed something else on his phone and then it made a noise.

"Right, I have requested our wedding for December second at the resort that we went to for your seventeenth."

"That was the best birthday." You smiled.

"I know which is why I'm hoping they accept my offer and then I can book flights for everyone." Your mind was blown, how did you plan something so quickly.

"That was fast decision making." You sighed.

"I know and it's pretty freaking insane. Let's get some sleep, this was very spontaneous wedding planning."

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