Chapter 23 - Meet & Greet

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To say there was a lot of people was an understatement. The fans had crowded over into the street leaving no choice for the police to close it. What you thought would have been around three hundred people ended up being around three thousand people and you didn't know how you were gonna get to meet everyone.

"Okay this is insane." You whispered, receiving a custom lanyard from David. The stage was all set up and a sea of fans were waiting in front of it for your arrival. Music was blaring through the speakers.

"Good luck Y/N!" Daniel whispered, giving you a side hug. August had gone on stage and announced you were coming on and when your fans saw your face, the screams were louder than you had ever heard.

"What's up Los Angeles?" You asked, only to receive more cheers.

"I cannot thank all of you enough for coming here and wanting to see me do my thing. It's completely overwhelming." You laughed. Many of them were crying while many of them were recording their special day. Your eyes widened when you saw many celebrities with their children.

"Not to be a fan girl or anything but I can literally see Adam Sandler with his family and oh look there's Justin Bieber. Hey Justin!" You waved, he waved back giving you a huge smile.

"Now, all I want is for you all to be safe when we do this so firstly we can do some question and answers up here, and then I can meet you all. Just please, no shoving and fighting, this is a war free zone and I need all of you to be cautious and safe." You told them and they understood.

"Right whose got a question?" You asked, and the whole crowd raised their hands.

"Wow, how about you with the lilac top and blonde hair?" You pointed to the girl and the stagehand ran a microphone over to her.

"My question is, what is one thing from New York that can't compare with something here?" She asked.

"I'd definitely say the hot dogs, nothing compares to a city hot dog." You laughed. More hands were raised and you wanted to get through as many people as you could.

"Hey Y/N, so my question is, what were your thoughts of the leaked why dont we Videos?" One of your male fans asked.

"Well my love, everyone makes mistakes and I assure you what they did was taken care of. They are the next big boy band who I'm happy to announce are coming on stage right now!" You shouted, the boys came on the stage and they began to sing These Girls why you headed off.

"That was insane!" You screeched to Christina before you had to follow security to your meet and greet booth.

"Let's do this!" You declared. The first set of fans came through and meeting around two hundred of them took just over an hour. Your jaw fell to the ground when you saw more famous people.

"Hey Y/N, I'm Shawn Mendes and this is my sister Aaliyah." He smiled, hugging you.

"I know who you are Shawn and hi there Aaliyah, I can't believe you know who I am." You laughed posing for a picture.

"Shawn don't leave, go stand with Barry, my security guard." You told him, he raised his eyebrows but did it anyway, Aaliyah got super excited. When you turned around your inner fangirl only got bigger.

"Grayson and Ethan?" You asked, hugging the both of them.

"And there we were thinking you had no idea we existed." Grayson laughed, cheekily placing a kiss to your cheek while the picture was taken.

"Thanks for following me on Twitter Y/N!" Ethan waved you off. Your mind was blown, it was insane. Within three hours you only had a couple hundred more people left and the boys were still performing, they had one song left till they were out of songs so you were gonna need them to compromise.

"What do you want the boys to do?" David asked while you took more photos and hugged fans.

"Tell them to do a few mashups, I'm nearly done. Are the fans still here?" You asked, David nodded.

"I think there's a couple hundred more then when you last looked." He told you and then walked off. The very last people happened to be Justin and his younger siblings.

"How are y'all today?" You asked.

"We're great, today's been crazy." Justin replied. The four of you took a photo together and spoke for the longest time.

"Well Y/N we're gonna hang backstage, maybe we could hang out sometime? I know you're not with Jack anymore." He told you and your eyes nearly fell out of your head.

"How'd you know about that?" You asked confused. Justin sighed and rested both hands on either side of your shoulders.

"I'm not stupid, both your tweets speak louder then what you think." He said and then walked away. You double checked no one else was there and headed towards Shawn and his younger sister.

"I'm sorry you had to wait so long." You told them.

"It's fine, why'd you want us to stick around?" He asked not trying to sound rude.

"To be honest. I love your music and Aaliyah I apologise that I don't follow you on Instagram so I will right now but I honestly love your feed!" You chuckled making her grin widely as she got the notification that her idol had followed her.

"Now you can stick round back here and I'll see you in a minute." You gave them quick hugs and informed Barry that they could stay where the were. The boys had come off stage.

"I couldn't see you but I heard you! Thankyou boys!" You hugged them all quickly before heading back onto the stage where you continued to talk to your fans and have a fun evening with them. It really was an amazing day.

But you were leaving tomorrow...

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