Chapter 6 - This Is Real Life

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You slammed the bedroom door shut and began tearing down the pictures of you and Jack. After every single one was left on the floor, you went into the bathroom and locked it. Tears made their way out once again as you sat on the edge of the bathtub. 

"Y/N?" Your best friend knocked the door but you didn't answer her. 

"Let me in, you can talk to me." Christina continued. You stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror.

"I'm a mess." You whispered to yourself, grabbing a piece of tissue and wiping the excess makeup that had been ruined by your crying. 

"Is it just you?" You asked her.

"Yeah, now let me in." Quickly, you unlocked the door, let her in and locked it again. She immediately hugged you.

"Did you really mean what you said back there?" 

"I don't know what anything means anymore Christina. I am so fed up with keeping my hopes up, thinking that me and Jack are gonna remain the couple we've always been. Everything is changing, he won't need me and in the end he'll forget about me." Your voice lowered. 

"The relationship is and was messy. I'm not defending him, I tried a long time ago. Now, I wouldn't announce the breakup or whatever you want to call it to anyone just yet just in case things do work out. I wouldn't want you to be the girl who has an image of being on and off with the same guy." She told you. You didn't even know what to say.

"Now, pick yourself up Miss L/Y/N and sort yourself out." You laughed. After five minutes you came out of the bathroom.

"They are all still downstairs okay?" Christina said, you nodded, heading down with her. It wasn't just an awkward silence it was a rather saddened one. All eyes were as usual back on you. 

"How are you Y/N?" Daniel asked. 

"I'll be good, thank-you." You smiled. Jonah and Jack were death glaring each-other, but you shrugged it off. 

"Will you two knock it off." Corbyn hissed at Jonah and Jack, they snapped out of it and their eyes averted to you. 

"Y/N can we talk?" Jack pleaded.

"There's nothing to talk about Jack." You sighed running a finger through your hair.

"There's a lot to talk about, I love you." He whispered.

"This is real life Jack, if you loved me why'd you break me? It's every single day with you now, our relationship goes up one step and then because of you it all goes down. Just sort yourself out, please and not just for me, remember you're in a band, these boys, are your brothers. I'm just a silly girlfriend that you'll get over." You said calmly, Jack didn't speak, he just stood up and went outside. 

"Where are you going to sleep tonight Y/N?" Zach asked you.

"I'll sleep on the couch, it's fine." You told him.

"No, you have just got here, take my bed, I'll take the couch." Jonah told you, but you just shook your head.

"Look, I don't know what's going on between you and Jack, but honestly I will stay on the couch okay?" He nodded and sat back down again. The doorbell to the house sounded and Corbyn went over to answer it, it was Logan.

"That's mah boyssssss!" He shouted, but soon stopped when he realized you and Christina were there. 

"Y/N I haven't seen you in forever!" He ran over and hugged you, slightly lifting you in the air as he did so.

"Hi to you to Logan." You giggled as his stupidity. He looked over to Christina.

"And you must be Christina, Corbyn's girlfriend." She went out to shake her hand but he just gave her a hug anyway. 

"So Y/N, where's your noodle-head boyfriend?" Logan chuckled, but your face was dead straight.

"If you're talking about Jack, which I'm well aware that you are, he's outside." You gulped, Logan's face softened.

"I'm sorry, whatever you two are going through, I'm sure it will all be okay." He rubbed your shoulder and went off to talk to the others. 

"Where are you going Zach?" You asked him.

"I'm just going to grab you a blanket and some pillows for the night." He smiled. Ever since the band had started, the other boys had treated you like a sister and you loved it. You never really got negativity from the fans either because they respected your relationship with Jack and your friendship with the others.

"Is it cool if I can have a drink?" You asked to no-one in particular while you headed to the fridge.

"You don't even have to ask Y/N, this is technically your house as well." Logan spoke from the backyard. You rolled your eyes.

"Christina do you want a drink of anything?" She nodded. Opening the fridge you pulled out two cans of cola and got two straws from the cupboard. Jack came through the doors again and looked at you with bloodshot eyes.

"I'm not gonna make you feel guilty, I just never thought we'd end." He didn't even look back as he walked upstairs.

"It's like every-time we get close, he pushes me away, and then he pulls me back just to give me the pain all over again." You frowned.

"Don't worry, everything will work out in the end." She reassured you.

"Right, if you're hungry there's food in the fridge and in the cupboards so eat what you want and if you want, we are going to the studio tomorrow to write some songs for our EP, you can come but you don't have to if you don't want to." Jonah told you.

"Yeah I'll come, I've gotta be supportive." You smiled.

"Right, I'm going home, peace out." Logan shouted before sprinting out the door. It was getting late so you everyone decided it was time to go to bed.

"Are you sure you're okay down here?" Zach asked handing you the duvet and pillows. You nodded and hugged him.

"I'll be just fine, thank-you." You placed it down on the couch and made yourself comfortable.

"We all love you Y/N, come and wake any of us if you need us." Corbyn smiled, you nodded as they all went upstairs. Who knew what was in store for you the next morning?

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