Chapter 25 - Too Good At Goodbyes

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"And that is why I got off the van and called an uber here." You explained to the many familiar faces.  Hayes Grier, Aaron Carpenter, Tez, Christina Delgrosso, his girlfriend Kristen, Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson. 

"Dude." Hayes whispered, shocked and slightly annoyed at what you had just told them.

"Are you gonna go with them?" Tez asked, you sighed.

"I have no idea Tez , seriously, I know I decided to get out of the van but some part of me wishes that they just didn't drive away." You whispered, not knowing what to do. 

"Y/N, we know how tough everything can be, hell Jack didn't tell his mom we were going on tour until we were in the car and driving to the airport. It's no excuse, you so didn't deserve that." Johnson told you.

"And, Shawn is an incredibly talented and caring guy Y/N, don't listen to what other people think, you've just had your heart-broken, Jack Avery needs to realize what he has done." Aaron carried on.

"Jacks to far up in his own world to realize what he has really done Aaron, I'm meant to be packing to go back to New York, and now I'm here debating my life decisions." You sighed, getting up and pacing the room. 

"Calm down Y/N, we'll help you." Kristen reassured you, but every-time you looked at her, all you saw was Jack, considering she shared the same name with his mom.

"Has he tried calling you?" Christian asked, and you shook your head no.

"None of them have tried to get in contact, what am I supposed to do? Fly home, fly back to the city, fly to Dallas with them all and be taken as an idiot?" You kept rambling. 

"Personally, I think going back to university in this state isn't what you need." Hayes told you, and it was true so you agreed with him.

"And we sure as hell aren't letting you stay in that house on your own. We can't chose what you do Y/N, we've told you this ever since we met you. We can only agree with you and let you do what you wanna do." Tez reminded you.

"I think if all else fails, I'm going back to Pennsylvania. I mean the last time I was there, I didn't even get a chance to say hi to my brother or my grandmother." You sighed, booking another uber to take you back to the Why Don't We house.

"Just make sure you know what you're doing if you're going with them Y/N, we hate seeing you upset." Christian hugged you.

"I will, thank-you guys, so much. I'll text you." You hugged and thanked them all individually before exiting the building, happy that your car was ready and waiting to take you. It took just over half an hour to get back to the house and you already hated the feeling in your stomach when you walked through the front door. All of the boys stopped and saw you, but decided to just not acknowledge you.

"If anything, I didn't think you'd come back." Aspen admitted, scaring you as she appeared from behind you.

"Neither did I, what happened?" You asked her, she grabbed your hand and took you to the backyard, where Zach saw you but headed straight back inside.

"Dad shouted at them and told them that if they even talked to you, he'd put the band in jeopardy." She told you.

"Why would he do that?" You didn't want them all to act as if they hated you, that was the last thing you wanted. 

"I believe it's because he wants what is best for you. Heck, they didn't even tell you that tour started tomorrow Y/N, thats not cool. Christina didn't even have a return ticket to New York because we drive through New York next weekend." She sighed, and you had never felt so betrayed, even when it wasn't the biggest deal in the world.

"Aspen, thank-you for all you've done, but I can't do this tour." You whispered, running upstairs and shoving all of your clothes into your suitcase, ignoring the looks you were getting from Jack and Tyler. You texted Aaron the address and to come pick you up and take you to the airport.

"You can finally live without me." You told them, heading back down the stairs with your luggage. You opened the front door and before shutting it you shouted.

"Have the best tour that I never knew about!" And then slammed it as hard as you could. You had to wait ten minutes and then Aaron was there.

"Can you take me to the airport please, I'm going home." You told him, placing your suitcase in the trunk.

"Back to New York?" He asked and started driving.

"Y/N wait!" You heard Jacks voice, you looked in Aaron's rear mirror as he slowed down and Jack started running.

"No home, home. Step on the gas Aaron, I'm not dealing with anymore bullshit." You told him, he did so and in no time you were at the airport. You thanked him and managed to get a flight back to Pennsylvania that was leaving in under an hour so you had to be quick. To think your night couldn't get more confusing, just as you were about to head through security, an arm pulled you back.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" You whisper-shouted at Jack, not wanting to cause a scene in public. He put his hand over your mouth to shut you up and took you out of the line. 

"What are you playing at? I have a flight to catch." You sneered, tugging your arm away from him aggressively. 

"I can't let you leave." He rushed out.

"Yes, but I can let myself leave and get as far away from you as I can." You turned your heel, but he pulled you back again.

"Seriously!?" You were getting angry.

"Y/N I still love you, I'm deeply in love with you." He started off, and you wanted to slap him right there and then. You had fallen for these tricks time and time again.

"You must think that I'm stupid." You whispered, and he shook his head.

"You must think that I'm a fool." You carried on, not wanting to miss this flight, but you knew you were going to.

"You must think that I'm new to this, but I have seen this all before. We've been rocky for months, we can't carry on Jack." You felt like a broken record, always repeating yourself.

"But  every-time you hurt me, the less that I cry." Your voice cracked, Jack had began to realize how emotionless you had become since the very first fight.

"And every-time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry." Your flight was boarding, you didn't want to cry, but you felt your eyes get weak of holding the tears in.

"And every-time you walk out, the less I love you." Jack continued your sentence, and you were the one who walked out for the majority of the arguments.

"Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true." You began crying, he lifted your head up, gently placing his finger underneath your chin.

"I'm way too good at goodbyes." You whispered to each-other, both leaning in. Within seconds your lips were locked.

"What the hell are we doing?" He questioned, you shrugged your shoulders.

"We're gonna be the death of each-other Jack." You mumbled, the speakers of the airport confirming your flight was taking off.

"Our love is complicated." He whispered, placing his hands on either side of  your waist as you swayed back and forth together, not knowing what you were going to do.

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